Urban Indicators Urban Audit Urban Audit Indicators for Conurbations Unidades: Personas, %, Años, Número, %1000, €, Km2, Minutos 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Barcelona Greater City Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 3.648.483 3.624.554 3.610.906 3.176.357 3.190.951 3.202.571 3.191.321 3.191.076 Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 14,68 14,69 14,71 14,31 14,21 14,13 14,01 13,81 Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 65,87 65,94 66,05 66,27 66,82 67,22 67,55 68,09 Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 19,45 19,37 19,24 19,42 18,97 18,65 18,44 18,1 Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 42,64 42,41 42,09 42,01 41,58 41,16 40,84 40,51 Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 85,51 86,05 86,13 84,91 84,25 83,96 84,02 83,76 Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 80,32 81,07 81,41 80,95 80,73 80,69 81,05 81,18 Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 19,68 18,93 18,59 19,05 19,27 19,31 18,95 18,82 Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 14,49 13,95 13,87 15,09 15,75 16,04 15,98 16,24 Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 1.416.572 1.406.923 1.408.894 1.247.060 1.250.712 1.250.372 1.242.752 1.236.975 Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,53 2,59 2,56 2,52 2,52 1,01 2,54 2,55 Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 27,35 26,32 26,79 27,25 27,18 27,02 26,83 26,58 Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 1.494.419 1.490.765 1.306.572 1.301.746 1.296.445 1.287.559 1.275.724 Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. .. .. 1.486.894 .. Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. .. .. 9,92 .. Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 9,220082 9,345363 9,228544 9,194466 9,702008 10,036454 10,287044 Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,478714 8,631656 8,510762 8,427109 8,734466 8,305114 8,330099 Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 11,02 13,01 15,23 17,48 19,12 21,81 21,56 18,5 17,49 Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 89,19 87,16 84,86 82,79 80,98 78,56 78,85 81,7 82,97 Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 59,03 58,72 59,41 59,61 59,66 59,63 60,98 61,47 61,21 Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 86,47 86,1 85,95 86,27 86,11 84,92 83,52 82,39 Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,07 8,48 8,59 8,48 8,48 8,48 9,57 9,84 Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 34.197,66 33.112,91 35.123,32 35.963,97 37.914,87 .. Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 13.276,83 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 19.920,26 "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 603,59 603,59 603,59 .. 457,38 .. 458,21 .. Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 61,24 60,46 59,68 60,54 60,51 57,79 56,56 Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 37,14 .. Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 22,37 .. Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 40,32 .. Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 37,03 .. Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 14,16 .. Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 24,29 .. Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 27,18 .. Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Bilbao Greater City Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 790.423 790.689 792.211 777.787 782.365 785.793 786.656 787.084 Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 12,72 12,74 12,76 12,55 12,5 12,4 12,27 12,08 Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 64,11 64,33 64,62 65,02 65,66 66,15 66,62 67,16 Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 23,17 22,93 22,62 22,44 21,85 21,44 21,11 20,76 Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 46,98 46,63 46,25 46,03 45,5 45,03 44,64 44,29 Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 93,88 94,01 94,14 93,78 93,35 93,19 93,38 93,73 Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 91,18 91,55 91,83 91,78 91,61 91,59 91,88 92,32 Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,82 8,45 8,17 8,22 8,39 8,41 8,12 7,68 Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 6,12 5,99 5,86 6,22 6,65 6,81 6,62 6,27 Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 324.852 323.500 322.745 314.652 314.625 314.140 312.432 310.580 Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,42 2,45 2,45 2,43 2,46 1,01 2,49 2,51 Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 27,44 26,78 26,43 26,15 25,76 25,37 25,02 24,56 Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. .. .. 353.801 .. Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. .. .. 6,67 .. Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 7,608569 7,669467 8,09197 7,917177 8,392012 8,656561 8,720627 Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 10,569776 10,634911 10,065999 9,619576 10,047457 9,819078 9,608957 Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 12,83 14 15,3 17,11 18,44 19,12 18,15 15,18 12,91 Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 86,99 85,76 84,54 82,85 81,42 81,14 81,83 84,8 87,15 Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 53,31 53,69 54,72 54,47 54,75 54,76 56,02 56,83 56,13 Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 84,23 83,39 83,34 82,95 81,95 81,7 80,38 79,57 Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,69 9,33 9,4 9,6 10,13 9,79 9,85 10,47 Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 33.758,77 33.336,57 .. .. .. .. Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 13.867,74 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 174,49 174,49 174,49 .. 162,61 .. 162,64 .. Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 67,14 66,29 63,26 66,33 66,19 65,05 63,95 Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 36,3 .. Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 21,57 .. Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 42,06 .. Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 47,99 .. Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 8,68 .. Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 20,75 .. Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. .. 22,85 .. Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Conurbación de Elda Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 87.153 87.278 87.834 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 14,95 14,9 15,06 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 67,06 67,47 67,71 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 18 17,63 17,23 "" "" "" "" "" Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 43,12 42,67 42,09 "" "" "" "" "" Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 96,5 96,44 96,28 "" "" "" "" "" Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 93,7 93,76 93,65 "" "" "" "" "" Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 6,3 6,24 6,35 "" "" "" "" "" Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 3,5 3,56 3,72 "" "" "" "" "" Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 33.393 33.525 34.383 "" "" "" "" "" Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,59 2,6 2,55 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 24,5 24,37 25,51 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 40.555 40.537 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 9,49 8,59 "" "" "" "" "" Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,75 9,09 "" "" "" "" "" Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 21,31 23,56 26,86 31,33 "" "" "" "" "" Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 79,05 76,94 73,57 69,47 "" "" "" "" "" Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 58,36 59,37 60,04 58,87 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 58,25 58,03 59,32 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 36,96 37,74 36,7 "" "" "" "" "" Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 20.634,16 19.538,38 "" "" "" "" Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 7.906,61 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 11.915,2 "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 150,12 150,12 150,03 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 58,1 56,51 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Conurbación de Granada Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 398.847 399.562 398.707 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 15,46 15,59 15,62 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 67,56 67,74 67,9 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 16,98 16,67 16,47 "" "" "" "" "" Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 41,81 41,31 40,89 "" "" "" "" "" Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 94,63 94,43 94,26 "" "" "" "" "" Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 91,49 91,47 91,49 "" "" "" "" "" Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,51 8,53 8,51 "" "" "" "" "" Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 5,37 5,57 5,74 "" "" "" "" "" Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 156.918 157.063 162.297 "" "" "" "" "" Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,52 2,58 2,5 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 30,26 29,6 30,98 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 219.287 218.624 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 9,55 9,92 "" "" "" "" "" Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,17 8,53 "" "" "" "" "" Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 25,62 27,64 31,81 32,86 "" "" "" "" "" Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 74,28 72,12 68,14 67,14 "" "" "" "" "" Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 57,33 57,8 58,4 58,53 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 85,88 86,13 84,94 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 4,91 4,9 5,05 "" "" "" "" "" Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 26.818,75 24.678,17 "" "" "" "" Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 10.392,63 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 15.641,4 "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 289,12 289,12 289,12 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 68,07 68,55 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Conurbación de Madrid Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 4.904.291 4.878.277 4.852.911 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 14,7 14,74 14,75 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 66,54 66,72 66,94 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 18,76 18,54 18,31 "" "" "" "" "" Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 42,7 42,34 41,99 "" "" "" "" "" Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 87,87 87,95 87,76 "" "" "" "" "" Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 81,41 81,71 81,82 "" "" "" "" "" Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 18,59 18,29 18,18 "" "" "" "" "" Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 12,13 12,05 12,24 "" "" "" "" "" Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 1.858.393 1.852.267 1.847.122 "" "" "" "" "" Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,6 2,65 2,63 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 27,14 26,84 27,03 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 2.108.282 2.101.231 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 9,66 9,95 "" "" "" "" "" Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 7,45 7,77 "" "" "" "" "" Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 12,03 12,93 15,41 16,82 "" "" "" "" "" Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 88,09 87,22 84,65 83,37 "" "" "" "" "" Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 60,81 60,47 61,01 61,46 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 87,83 87,92 87,77 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 4,99 4,99 4,96 "" "" "" "" "" Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 37.978,55 36.422,86 "" "" "" "" Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 14.386,62 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 21.738,72 "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 1.231,53 1.231,53 1.231,53 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 65,41 64,62 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Conurbación de Pamplona Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 322.739 320.318 319.405 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 15,92 16,04 16,13 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 65,75 65,9 66,17 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 18,33 18,06 17,7 "" "" "" "" "" Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 42,5 42,13 41,67 "" "" "" "" "" Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 91,66 91,59 91,38 "" "" "" "" "" Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 85,03 85,26 85,21 "" "" "" "" "" Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 14,97 14,74 14,79 "" "" "" "" "" Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,34 8,41 8,62 "" "" "" "" "" Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 121.096 120.493 118.170 "" "" "" "" "" Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,62 2,68 2,7 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 27,83 27,26 26,43 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 9,32 9,63 "" "" "" "" "" Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 7,72 7,64 "" "" "" "" "" Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 10,53 10,91 13,08 14,47 "" "" "" "" "" Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 89,58 89,37 86,96 85,65 "" "" "" "" "" Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 58,44 58,52 58,47 58,55 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 85,22 84,71 85,03 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,76 9,12 8,88 "" "" "" "" "" Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 37.091,64 33.440,61 "" "" "" "" Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 13.929,89 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 183,77 183,77 183,77 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 56,95 54,76 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Conurbación de Santa Cruz de Tenerife Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 357.347 356.696 356.654 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 13,01 13,17 13,34 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 69,83 70,01 70,12 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 17,16 16,82 16,54 "" "" "" "" "" Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 43,1 42,58 42,07 "" "" "" "" "" Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 95,04 94,87 94,9 "" "" "" "" "" Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 86,89 87,18 87,44 "" "" "" "" "" Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 13,11 12,82 12,56 "" "" "" "" "" Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 4,96 5,13 5,1 "" "" "" "" "" Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 135.777 137.101 139.536 "" "" "" "" "" Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,6 2,63 2,58 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 29,76 29,99 30,95 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 159.524 158.213 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 7,04 7,36 "" "" "" "" "" Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,31 8,55 "" "" "" "" "" Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 21,74 24,06 27,93 30,19 "" "" "" "" "" Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 78,4 76,1 72,14 69,75 "" "" "" "" "" Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 61,04 60,64 61,37 61,26 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 88,24 88,64 89,64 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 4,3 4,18 3,81 "" "" "" "" "" Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 27.234,7 24.759,26 "" "" "" "" Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 10.258,97 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 15.458,16 "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 263,05 263,05 263,05 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 58,68 57,8 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Conurbación de Sevilla Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 879.624 879.806 881.439 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 15,96 16,01 16,07 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 66,46 66,68 66,83 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 17,58 17,31 17,1 "" "" "" "" "" Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 42,26 41,81 41,35 "" "" "" "" "" Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 95,82 95,73 95,52 "" "" "" "" "" Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 93,16 93,22 93,06 "" "" "" "" "" Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 6,84 6,78 6,94 "" "" "" "" "" Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 4,18 4,27 4,48 "" "" "" "" "" Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 328.065 328.556 331.527 "" "" "" "" "" Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,67 2,7 2,67 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 25,13 24,85 25,52 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 393.991 393.015 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 9,66 9,83 "" "" "" "" "" Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,33 8,69 "" "" "" "" "" Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 21,03 22,06 24,43 28,4 "" "" "" "" "" Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 78,88 77,86 75,74 71,61 "" "" "" "" "" Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 57,63 57,02 57,47 58,38 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 89,59 89,01 88,08 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 4,36 4,51 4,57 "" "" "" "" "" Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 28.811,22 27.440,35 "" "" "" "" Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 10.636,54 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 16.251,65 "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 218,67 218,67 218,67 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 67,21 65,51 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Conurbación de Valencia Resident population (Persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" 1.386.992 1.388.368 1.383.908 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 0-14 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 15,07 15,13 15,19 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 15-64 (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 66,37 66,65 66,85 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of total population aged 65 and over (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 18,56 18,21 17,96 "" "" "" "" "" Median age of the population (years) "" "" "" "" "" "" 42,97 42,48 42,06 "" "" "" "" "" Nationals as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 90,3 89,89 89,96 "" "" "" "" "" Native-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 86,19 86,15 86,39 "" "" "" "" "" Foreign-born as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 13,81 13,85 13,61 "" "" "" "" "" Foreigners as a proportion of total population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 9,7 10,11 10,04 "" "" "" "" "" Total number of households (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 540.140 541.162 538.616 "" "" "" "" "" Average size of households (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" 2,54 2,58 2,57 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of households that are 1 person households (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 27,69 27,39 27,31 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the cadastral register (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 683.376 682.992 "" "" "" "" "" Number of conventional dwellings according to the Census (Number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Empty conventional dwellings per total dwellings (percentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. .. "" "" "" "" "" Live births (per 1000 persons) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,69 8,83 "" "" "" "" "" Crude mortality rate "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 8,47 8,83 "" "" "" "" "" Unemployment rate (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 15,73 19,4 20,98 22,24 "" "" "" "" "" Ratio of employed between 20-64 to economically active population (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" 84,55 80,93 79,28 78,19 "" "" "" "" "" Economic activity rate (Percentage) "" "" "" "" "" 58,32 58,34 58,83 58,85 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in services (NACE Rev.2 G-U) (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 86,04 86,76 86,83 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of employment in industries (NACE Rev.2 B-E)(porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" 7,24 6,94 6,97 "" "" "" "" "" Average annual net household income "" "" "" "" "" "" "" .. 28.092,69 27.127,01 "" "" "" "" Average disposable annual income per person "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 10.909,73 "" "" "" "" "" Average net annual income per consumer unit (euros) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 16.386,94 "" "" "" "" "" Total land area (Km2) "" "" "" "" "" "" 403,65 403,65 403,65 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of children of 0-4 over the persons between 0-4 in day care or school "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 64,13 63,86 "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 0, 1 or 2 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 3 or 4 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of population aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5 or 6 as the highest level of education (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by car (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Proportion of journeys to work by foot (porcentage) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Percentage of commutes to work by public transport (%) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Average time of journey to work (minutes) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of annual tourist overnight stays (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Number of available beds in tourist establishments (number) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Notas: FUA: Functional Urban Area Fuente: