Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence Final judgements Persons convicted in cases with final judgement by sex and age Unidades: Personas Total Males Females 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 All ages 8.687 7.022 6.597 5.180 5.428 6.724 5.612 5.616 5.358 5.898 4.059 3.837 3.132 3.649 4.222 3.258 3.325 3.078 2.789 2.963 2.760 2.048 1.779 2.502 2.354 2.291 2.280 Less than 18 years 136 302 412 475 631 601 574 566 605 99 193 291 322 440 406 391 382 416 37 109 121 153 191 195 183 184 189 From 18 to 19 years 308 292 284 241 229 274 246 238 256 209 198 188 166 162 171 158 160 169 99 94 96 75 67 103 88 78 87 From 20 to 24 years 934 825 738 566 579 729 624 632 622 650 483 444 340 415 484 384 385 357 284 342 294 226 164 245 240 247 265 From 25 to 29 years 993 738 702 545 577 720 635 656 571 638 398 374 295 372 440 319 351 299 355 340 328 250 205 280 316 305 272 From 30 to 34 years old 1.183 887 855 638 620 880 715 685 670 766 450 457 343 393 505 336 357 343 417 437 398 295 227 375 379 328 327 From 35 to 39 years old 1.308 938 921 702 676 954 789 797 796 850 494 493 360 408 560 399 418 398 458 444 428 342 268 394 390 379 398 From 40 to 44 years 1.318 1.044 943 711 707 953 711 727 683 876 593 498 418 464 579 390 416 373 442 451 445 293 243 374 321 311 310 From 45 to 49 years old 1.076 856 743 578 574 720 589 581 556 726 490 450 355 394 464 386 378 335 350 366 293 223 180 256 203 203 221 From 50 to 54 years old 726 576 522 379 430 456 373 388 290 532 374 324 272 305 307 263 253 192 194 202 198 107 125 149 110 135 98 From 55 to 59 years old 366 301 268 201 204 232 201 164 156 283 198 184 152 148 159 141 101 106 83 103 84 49 56 73 60 63 50 From 60 to 64 years old 182 143 114 76 112 96 72 88 81 144 104 74 57 87 70 45 61 49 38 39 40 19 25 26 27 27 32 From 65 to 69 years old 79 66 49 33 42 52 43 46 31 65 44 29 27 27 34 24 28 15 14 22 20 6 15 18 19 18 16 From 70 to 74 years 52 31 26 17 25 35 27 21 21 41 20 16 12 16 26 15 14 13 11 11 10 5 9 9 12 7 8 75 or more years 26 23 20 18 22 22 13 27 20 19 20 15 13 18 17 7 21 13 7 3 5 5 4 5 6 6 7 Notas: 1) Resultados referidos a sentencias firmes dictadas en el año de referencia correspondientes a asuntos (con órdenes de protección o medidas cautelares dictadas) que fueron inscritos en el Registro en mismo año o en años anteriores Fuente: