Export and Import Price Indices of Industrial Products Industrial Price Indices. IPRI+IPRIX. Base 2010 (CNAE-09). Weightings. National indices: general and by economic destination of the goods. Unidades: %1000 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 General index 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Durable consumer goods 24,55 24,157 23,783 24,662 24,699 46,231 48,96 48,96 Consumer goods 275,654 272,591 268,916 268,059 267,825 287,496 298,945 298,945 Non-durable consumer goods 251,104 248,434 245,133 243,397 243,126 241,265 249,985 249,985 Capital goods 213,03 211,971 208,093 204,43 200,191 174,851 184,34 184,34 Intermediate goods 323,558 321,114 319,408 317,76 318,476 320,691 320,173 320,173 Energy 187,758 194,324 203,583 209,752 213,509 216,962 196,542 196,542 Notas: Fuente: