Export and Import Price Indices of Industrial Products Import Price Index Import of Industrial Products. IPRIM. Base 2010 (CNAE-09). Weightings. National indices: general and by economic destination of the goods. Unidades: %1000 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 General index 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Consumer goods 273,594 275,578 266,41 262,84 260,051 266,912 283,529 283,529 Durable consumer goods 58,932 59,03 56,44 55,206 55,748 62,059 67,687 67,687 Non-durable consumer goods 214,661 216,548 209,969 207,634 204,303 204,853 215,842 215,842 Capital goods 234,697 237,131 228,559 223,423 220,915 221,059 239,146 239,146 Intermediate goods 277,816 279,856 277,821 272,359 272,377 277,598 282,827 282,827 Energy 213,893 207,435 227,21 241,379 246,657 234,431 194,498 194,498 Notas: Fuente: