Occupation in tourist accommodations Annual Overnight stays by accommodation size. National Unidades: Pernoctaciones 10 beds or more Base data 2022 9.430.000 2021 5.572.000 2020 3.730.000 2019 8.435.000 2018 6.957.000 Less than 10 beds Base data 2022 108.524.000 2021 63.700.000 2020 40.477.000 2019 97.167.000 2018 87.431.000 Total Base data 2022 117.955.000 2021 69.272.000 2020 44.207.000 2019 105.602.000 2018 94.389.000 Notas: Update of 2018 and 2019 data due to new exploitation by digital platforms Fuente: