Tenancy regime of the main dwelling;Difficulty making ends meet;Periodo;Total Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2024;9,1 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2023;9,3 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2022;8,7 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2021;8,8 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2020;10 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2019;7,8 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2018;10,4 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2017;9,5 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2016;16,6 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2015;14,8 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2014;17,5 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2013;18,6 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2012;14,7 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2011;11,1 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2010;15,5 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2009;16,2 Total;With a great deal of difficulty ;2008;13,7 Total;With difficulty ;2024;12,7 Total;With difficulty ;2023;13,1 Total;With difficulty ;2022;13,4 Total;With difficulty ;2021;12,8 Total;With difficulty ;2020;12,8 Total;With difficulty ;2019;14,2 Total;With difficulty ;2018;16,7 Total;With difficulty ;2017;15,6 Total;With difficulty ;2016;19 Total;With difficulty ;2015;20,4 Total;With difficulty ;2014;21,6 Total;With difficulty ;2013;20,2 Total;With difficulty ;2012;20 Total;With difficulty ;2011;17,9 Total;With difficulty ;2010;18,3 Total;With difficulty ;2009;17,8 Total;With difficulty ;2008;18,2 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2024;25,6 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2023;26,1 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2022;25,7 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2021;23,3 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2020;22,3 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2019;27,3 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2018;28,1 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2017;28,2 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2016;27 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2015;29,3 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2014;28,8 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2013;28,2 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2012;28,4 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2011;29,3 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2010;28 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2009;28,2 Total;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2008;31 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2024;28,7 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2023;28,5 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2022;28,8 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2021;29,9 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2020;30,9 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2019;34 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2018;30,6 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2017;32,5 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2016;25,4 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2015;25 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2014;23,2 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2013;22,6 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2012;26,2 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2011;28 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2010;23,7 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2009;24,5 Total;With a certain degree of ease ;2008;25 Total;With ease ;2024;20,1 Total;With ease ;2023;19,4 Total;With ease ;2022;19,9 Total;With ease ;2021;21,3 Total;With ease ;2020;21,3 Total;With ease ;2019;15,7 Total;With ease ;2018;13,1 Total;With ease ;2017;13,3 Total;With ease ;2016;11,1 Total;With ease ;2015;9,7 Total;With ease ;2014;8,4 Total;With ease ;2013;9,5 Total;With ease ;2012;9,9 Total;With ease ;2011;12,7 Total;With ease ;2010;13,5 Total;With ease ;2009;12,1 Total;With ease ;2008;11,2 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2024;3,6 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2023;3,2 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2022;3,3 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2021;3,8 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2020;2,5 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2019;1 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2018;1,1 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2017;0,9 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2016;0,9 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2015;0,7 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2014;0,6 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2013;0,8 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2012;0,8 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2011;1 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2010;1,1 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2009;1,1 Total;With a great deal of ease ;2008;0,9 Total;No data recorded;2024;0,3 Total;No data recorded;2023;0,3 Total;No data recorded;2022;0,2 Total;No data recorded;2021;0 Total;No data recorded;2020;0,1 Total;No data recorded;2019;0,1 Total;No data recorded;2018;.. Total;No data recorded;2017;.. Total;No data recorded;2016;.. Total;No data recorded;2015;0 Total;No data recorded;2014;0 Total;No data recorded;2013;.. Total;No data recorded;2012;.. Total;No data recorded;2011;.. Total;No data recorded;2010;0 Total;No data recorded;2009;0 Total;No data recorded;2008;0 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2024;6,8 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2023;7,1 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2022;6,7 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2021;6,5 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2020;6,9 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2019;5,6 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2018;8,3 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2017;7,8 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2016;13,6 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2015;12 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2014;14,9 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2013;15,7 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2012;12,4 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2011;9,2 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2010;12,7 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2009;13,4 Property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2008;11,6 Property;With difficulty ;2024;10,8 Property;With difficulty ;2023;11,4 Property;With difficulty ;2022;11 Property;With difficulty ;2021;10,2 Property;With difficulty ;2020;10,7 Property;With difficulty ;2019;12,6 Property;With difficulty ;2018;15 Property;With difficulty ;2017;14,1 Property;With difficulty ;2016;18,1 Property;With difficulty ;2015;19,5 Property;With difficulty ;2014;20,6 Property;With difficulty ;2013;19,6 Property;With difficulty ;2012;18,8 Property;With difficulty ;2011;16,5 Property;With difficulty ;2010;17,1 Property;With difficulty ;2009;16,4 Property;With difficulty ;2008;16,8 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2024;24,3 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2023;25,3 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2022;24,8 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2021;22,7 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2020;21,1 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2019;26 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2018;28,4 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2017;27,3 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2016;27,5 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2015;29,9 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2014;29,2 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2013;28,6 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2012;28,4 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2011;29,1 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2010;28,3 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2009;28,6 Property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2008;31,3 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2024;30,8 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2023;30,5 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2022;31,2 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2021;32,4 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2020;34,3 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2019;37 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2018;32,7 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2017;35,1 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2016;27,3 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2015;27,2 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2014;25,2 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2013;24,8 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2012;28,4 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2011;30 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2010;25,8 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2009;27,3 Property;With a certain degree of ease ;2008;26,9 Property;With ease ;2024;22,9 Property;With ease ;2023;21,8 Property;With ease ;2022;22,2 Property;With ease ;2021;23,8 Property;With ease ;2020;24,3 Property;With ease ;2019;17,6 Property;With ease ;2018;14,4 Property;With ease ;2017;14,7 Property;With ease ;2016;12,5 Property;With ease ;2015;10,6 Property;With ease ;2014;9,4 Property;With ease ;2013;10,3 Property;With ease ;2012;11,2 Property;With ease ;2011;14,1 Property;With ease ;2010;14,9 Property;With ease ;2009;13,2 Property;With ease ;2008;12,4 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2024;4,1 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2023;3,6 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2022;3,8 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2021;4,3 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2020;2,7 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2019;1,2 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2018;1,2 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2017;1,1 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2016;1 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2015;0,8 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2014;0,7 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2013;0,9 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2012;0,8 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2011;1 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2010;1,1 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2009;1,2 Property;With a great deal of ease ;2008;1,1 Property;No data recorded;2024;0,3 Property;No data recorded;2023;0,3 Property;No data recorded;2022;0,2 Property;No data recorded;2021;0 Property;No data recorded;2020;0,1 Property;No data recorded;2019;0 Property;No data recorded;2018;.. Property;No data recorded;2017;.. Property;No data recorded;2016;.. Property;No data recorded;2015;.. Property;No data recorded;2014;0 Property;No data recorded;2013;.. Property;No data recorded;2012;.. Property;No data recorded;2011;.. Property;No data recorded;2010;0 Property;No data recorded;2009;0 Property;No data recorded;2008;0 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2024;4,8 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2023;5,3 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2022;5,4 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2021;5,1 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2020;5,8 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2019;5,2 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2018;7,3 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2017;6,8 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2016;12 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2015;8,8 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2014;11,2 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2013;12,3 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2012;9,1 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2011;7 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2010;9,6 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2009;.. Property without mortgage;With a great deal of difficulty ;2008;.. Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2024;8,7 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2023;9,5 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2022;10,2 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2021;9,6 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2020;9,1 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2019;11,4 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2018;13,7 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2017;13,3 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2016;16,3 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2015;17,9 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2014;19,6 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2013;18,3 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2012;17,7 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2011;14,8 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2010;16,4 Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2009;.. Property without mortgage;With difficulty ;2008;.. Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2024;22,5 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2023;24,1 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2022;24 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2021;21,2 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2020;19,5 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2019;25 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2018;27,1 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2017;25,5 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2016;27,5 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2015;31,4 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2014;30,4 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2013;28,8 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2012;28,6 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2011;29,2 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2010;29,5 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2009;.. Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2008;.. Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2024;33,1 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2023;32,3 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2022;32,3 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2021;33,4 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2020;36,2 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2019;38,3 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2018;34,7 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2017;37 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2016;29,2 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2015;29,3 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2014;26,8 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2013;28 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2012;31 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2011;32,8 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2010;27,7 Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2009;.. Property without mortgage;With a certain degree of ease ;2008;.. Property without mortgage;With ease ;2024;25,9 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2023;24,6 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2022;24,1 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2021;26,2 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2020;26,6 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2019;18,9 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2018;15,8 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2017;16,3 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2016;13,9 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2015;11,8 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2014;11,4 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2013;11,5 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2012;12,5 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2011;15 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2010;15,6 Property without mortgage;With ease ;2009;.. Property without mortgage;With ease ;2008;.. Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2024;4,7 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2023;3,9 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2022;3,8 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2021;4,5 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2020;2,9 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2019;1,2 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2018;1,4 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2017;1,1 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2016;1,2 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2015;0,8 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2014;0,6 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2013;1,1 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2012;1,1 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2011;1,2 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2010;1,2 Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2009;.. Property without mortgage;With a great deal of ease ;2008;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2024;0,3 Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2023;0,3 Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2022;0,3 Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2021;0 Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2020;0 Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2019;0,1 Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2018;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2017;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2016;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2015;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2014;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2013;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2012;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2011;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2010;0 Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2009;.. Property without mortgage;No data recorded;2008;.. Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2024;9,9 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2023;9,7 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2022;8,8 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2021;8,5 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2020;8,4 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2019;6,3 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2018;9,8 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2017;9,3 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2016;16 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2015;16,8 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2014;20,3 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2013;20,5 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2012;17,2 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2011;12,3 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2010;16,9 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2009;.. Mortgaged property;With a great deal of difficulty ;2008;.. Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2024;14,1 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2023;14,3 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2022;12,4 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2021;11,2 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2020;13,2 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2019;14,7 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2018;17,1 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2017;15,4 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2016;20,7 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2015;21,9 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2014;22,1 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2013;21,4 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2012;20,5 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2011;19,1 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2010;18,2 Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2009;.. Mortgaged property;With difficulty ;2008;.. Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2024;27,2 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2023;27 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2022;26 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2021;24,9 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2020;23,4 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2019;27,7 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2018;30,5 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2017;30,1 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2016;27,6 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2015;27,5 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2014;27,4 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2013;28,3 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2012;28,2 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2011;29 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2010;26,7 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2009;.. Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2008;.. Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2024;27,2 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2023;27,9 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2022;29,4 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2021;30,9 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2020;31,6 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2019;34,7 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2018;29,5 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2017;32 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2016;24,6 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2015;24,1 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2014;22,9 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2013;20,4 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2012;24,4 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2011;25,8 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2010;23,3 Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2009;.. Mortgaged property;With a certain degree of ease ;2008;.. Mortgaged property;With ease ;2024;18,1 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2023;17,6 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2022;19,5 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2021;20,3 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2020;20,9 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2019;15,6 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2018;12,2 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2017;12,2 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2016;10,3 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2015;8,9 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2014;6,6 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2013;8,6 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2012;9,3 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2011;12,9 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2010;13,9 Mortgaged property;With ease ;2009;.. Mortgaged property;With ease ;2008;.. Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2024;3,3 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2023;3,2 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2022;3,8 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2021;4,1 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2020;2,5 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2019;1 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2018;0,9 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2017;1 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2016;0,8 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2015;0,8 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2014;0,8 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2013;0,7 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2012;0,4 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2011;0,8 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2010;1 Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2009;.. Mortgaged property;With a great deal of ease ;2008;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2024;0,2 Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2023;0,3 Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2022;0,2 Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2021;0 Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2020;0,1 Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2019;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2018;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2017;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2016;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2015;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2014;0 Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2013;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2012;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2011;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2010;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2009;.. Mortgaged property;No data recorded;2008;.. Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2024;16,1 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2023;16,7 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2022;15,6 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2021;17,1 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2020;21,4 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2019;13,7 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2018;17 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2017;13,6 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2016;24,9 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2015;24,9 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2014;25,5 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2013;28,3 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2012;25,2 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2011;20,2 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2010;29,6 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2009;29,1 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2008;25,6 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2024;18,1 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2023;18,7 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2022;22,4 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2021;21,6 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2020;18,3 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2019;18,8 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2018;23,2 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2017;19,8 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2016;25,3 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2015;24,8 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2014;27,8 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2013;24,7 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2012;27,4 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2011;25,9 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2010;24,5 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2009;24,6 Rent at market price ;With difficulty ;2008;25,9 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2024;30,3 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2023;29,5 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2022;28,5 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2021;25,4 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2020;28,2 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2019;33,9 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2018;27,7 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2017;34,9 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2016;27,2 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2015;27,8 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2014;30,4 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2013;27,4 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2012;28,1 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2011;31,5 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2010;25,8 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2009;27,9 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2008;29,6 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2024;22,1 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2023;21,3 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2022;19,7 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2021;22,2 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2020;19,3 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2019;23,9 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2018;22,4 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2017;23,7 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2016;16,9 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2015;17,2 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2014;12,2 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2013;13,1 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2012;15,4 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2011;16,7 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2010;11,7 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2009;11,8 Rent at market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2008;13,9 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2024;11,2 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2023;11,3 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2022;11,8 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2021;11,6 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2020;11,4 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2019;9 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2018;8,9 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2017;7,8 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2016;5,4 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2015;4,9 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2014;3,8 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2013;6 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2012;3,3 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2011;5,2 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2010;7,6 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2009;5,7 Rent at market price ;With ease ;2008;4,7 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2024;1,8 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2023;2,1 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2022;1,9 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2021;2,1 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2020;1,3 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2019;0,7 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2018;0,7 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2017;0,2 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2016;0,4 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2015;0,3 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2014;0,4 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2013;0,5 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2012;0,6 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2011;0,5 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2010;0,8 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2009;0,8 Rent at market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2008;0,3 Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2024;0,2 Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2023;0,4 Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2022;0,1 Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2021;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2020;0 Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2019;0 Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2018;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2017;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2016;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2015;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2014;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2013;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2012;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2011;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2010;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2009;.. Rent at market price ;No data recorded;2008;.. Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2024;19,7 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2023;18,4 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2022;15,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2021;22,8 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2020;20,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2019;25,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2018;28,8 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2017;29,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2016;49,3 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2015;42,6 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2014;49 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2013;49,3 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2012;27,8 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2011;26 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2010;32 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2009;35,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of difficulty ;2008;22,7 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2024;19 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2023;23,4 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2022;26,5 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2021;23,2 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2020;28,4 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2019;26,4 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2018;26,2 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2017;31,5 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2016;18,4 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2015;26,9 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2014;23,4 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2013;16,2 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2012;28,4 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2011;26,5 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2010;26,1 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2009;20,8 Rent lower than market price ;With difficulty ;2008;23 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2024;30 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2023;29 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2022;30,5 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2021;28,3 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2020;20,9 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2019;26 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2018;22,9 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2017;21,9 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2016;14,5 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2015;18,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2014;14,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2013;19,6 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2012;27,4 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2011;27,5 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2010;22,8 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2009;24,9 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2008;32,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2024;20 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2023;20,6 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2022;18,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2021;13,4 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2020;16,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2019;15,6 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2018;16,6 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2017;14,8 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2016;15,2 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2015;9,2 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2014;12,4 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2013;12,2 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2012;11,2 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2011;16,5 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2010;14,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2009;12,9 Rent lower than market price ;With a certain degree of ease ;2008;16,2 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2024;9,9 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2023;6,8 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2022;8,6 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2021;11,1 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2020;9,2 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2019;6,8 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2018;4,8 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2017;2,7 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2016;2,2 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2015;3,2 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2014;1 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2013;2,7 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2012;4 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2011;3,6 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2010;4,9 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2009;6,1 Rent lower than market price ;With ease ;2008;5,8 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2024;1,3 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2023;1,4 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2022;0,8 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2021;1,2 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2020;5,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2019;0,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2018;0,7 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2017;0 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2016;0,3 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2015;0,1 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2014;0 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2013;.. Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2012;1,2 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2011;.. Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2010;0,2 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2009;0,3 Rent lower than market price ;With a great deal of ease ;2008;0,2 Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2024;0,1 Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2023;0,5 Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2022;0,4 Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2021;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2020;0,2 Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2019;0 Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2018;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2017;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2016;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2015;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2014;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2013;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2012;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2011;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2010;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2009;.. Rent lower than market price ;No data recorded;2008;.. Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2024;10,3 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2023;13,2 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2022;12,9 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2021;10,6 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2020;14,7 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2019;13,5 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2018;13,9 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2017;14,1 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2016;21,5 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2015;18,1 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2014;20,7 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2013;21,6 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2012;17,6 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2011;11,8 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2010;16,2 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2009;18,9 Transfer;With a great deal of difficulty ;2008;15 Transfer;With difficulty ;2024;17,8 Transfer;With difficulty ;2023;14 Transfer;With difficulty ;2022;12,6 Transfer;With difficulty ;2021;16,7 Transfer;With difficulty ;2020;15,7 Transfer;With difficulty ;2019;16,5 Transfer;With difficulty ;2018;17,9 Transfer;With difficulty ;2017;18,1 Transfer;With difficulty ;2016;17,1 Transfer;With difficulty ;2015;20,2 Transfer;With difficulty ;2014;20,8 Transfer;With difficulty ;2013;20,3 Transfer;With difficulty ;2012;15,6 Transfer;With difficulty ;2011;16 Transfer;With difficulty ;2010;17,6 Transfer;With difficulty ;2009;23 Transfer;With difficulty ;2008;20,5 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2024;23,8 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2023;26,2 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2022;27,1 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2021;23,2 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2020;23,9 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2019;26,9 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2018;27,4 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2017;26,3 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2016;25,2 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2015;30,7 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2014;27,2 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2013;28,2 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2012;29,1 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2011;27,5 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2010;31,1 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2009;25,3 Transfer;With a certain degree of difficulty ;2008;29,1 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2024;26,8 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2023;26,6 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2022;27,8 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2021;26,5 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2020;26,8 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2019;30,3 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2018;29,8 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2017;27,9 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2016;24,7 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2015;20,4 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2014;23,8 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2013;19,6 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2012;27,5 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2011;29,9 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2010;23,4 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2009;19,1 Transfer;With a certain degree of ease ;2008;26,1 Transfer;With ease ;2024;17,8 Transfer;With ease ;2023;17,8 Transfer;With ease ;2022;18 Transfer;With ease ;2021;19,4 Transfer;With ease ;2020;17 Transfer;With ease ;2019;11,6 Transfer;With ease ;2018;10,8 Transfer;With ease ;2017;12,5 Transfer;With ease ;2016;11 Transfer;With ease ;2015;10 Transfer;With ease ;2014;6,7 Transfer;With ease ;2013;10,2 Transfer;With ease ;2012;9,5 Transfer;With ease ;2011;12,6 Transfer;With ease ;2010;10,9 Transfer;With ease ;2009;12,6 Transfer;With ease ;2008;9 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2024;3,2 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2023;1,9 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2022;1,6 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2021;3,6 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2020;1,9 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2019;0,9 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2018;0,3 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2017;1 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2016;0,6 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2015;0,5 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2014;0,9 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2013;0,2 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2012;0,7 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2011;2,2 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2010;0,8 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2009;1,1 Transfer;With a great deal of ease ;2008;0,4 Transfer;No data recorded;2024;0,3 Transfer;No data recorded;2023;0,3 Transfer;No data recorded;2022;0,1 Transfer;No data recorded;2021;0,1 Transfer;No data recorded;2020;0 Transfer;No data recorded;2019;0,3 Transfer;No data recorded;2018;.. Transfer;No data recorded;2017;.. Transfer;No data recorded;2016;.. Transfer;No data recorded;2015;0,1 Transfer;No data recorded;2014;.. Transfer;No data recorded;2013;.. Transfer;No data recorded;2012;.. Transfer;No data recorded;2011;.. Transfer;No data recorded;2010;.. Transfer;No data recorded;2009;0,1 Transfer;No data recorded;2008;..