Women and Men in Spain Risk of poverty or social exclusion (2020 Europe strategy) AROPE indicator Risk-of-poverty and/or social exclusion rate (Europe 2020 strategy), by type of household and period. Base 2013 Unidades: % ,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,2017,2016,2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008, Total,26,3,27,6,26,4,25,3,26,1,26,6,27,9,28,6,29,2,27,3,27,2,26,7,26,1,24,7,23,8, One-person households,32,4,33,6,31,9,26,1,25,9,26,9,24,7,26,7,27,1,25,26,6,34,34,7,33,9,33,8, 2 adults without dependent children ,20,7,20,5,20,9,20,3,22,22,1,22,5,22,3,22,5,22,6,23,1,22,5,22,1,22,4,22,3, Other households without dependent children ,18,9,21,22,1,21,9,22,7,22,9,25,25,8,25,1,22,7,21,4,21,7,17,4,14,1,14, 1 adult with 1 or more dependent children ,49,1,54,6,49,1,46,8,50,47,9,53,3,50,1,53,3,47,6,48,1,49,9,55,2,51,1,45, 2 adults with 1 or more dependent children ,26,8,27,8,24,4,25,2,25,8,26,6,28,1,28,5,30,5,27,7,28,3,27,6,27,4,27,3,24,2, Other households with dependent children ,33,1,37,1,37,8,33,4,33,6,35,5,38,3,41,8,38,6,38,5,35,5,29,30,9,28,29,6, No data recorded,35,9,46,20,4,36,5,41,8,26,6,73,3,47,2,0,14,4,0,0,0,..,0, Notas: Dependent child is defined as every person under 18 years of age and those economically inactive persons aged between 18 and 24 that at least one of their parents is a household member. Series with the new methodology adopted in 2013. The population at risk of poverty or social exclusion is that which is in one of these situations: Source: Living Conditions Survey INE Fuente: