Basic Demographic Indicators National results Divorce rates according to sex and age group (2005 to 2010) Unidades: Divorciados por mil habitantes ,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005, Both sexes, 18 and under,0,03,0,02,0,05,0,07,0,08,0,03, From 19 to 24 years,0,69,0,65,0,73,0,94,1,04,0,47, From 25 to 29 years ,3,69,3,54,3,99,5,02,5,79,3,17, From 30 to 34 years old,7,82,7,52,8,4,10,38,11,77,7,28, From 35 to 39 years old,10,36,9,91,11,38,13,57,14,33,8,67, From 40 to 49,9,83,9,44,10,84,12,42,12,34,7,24, From 50 to 59,5,84,5,69,6,3,7,04,6,72,3,89, From 60 to 69,2,22,2,23,2,47,2,57,2,54,1,33, 70 and over,6,64,6,84,7,13,6,63,5,71,3,04, Males, 18 and under,0,01,0,0,02,0,02,0,04,0,01, From 19 to 24 years,0,33,0,32,0,36,0,48,0,52,0,22, From 25 to 29 years ,2,48,2,45,2,82,3,49,4,05,2,17, From 30 to 34 years old,6,66,6,43,7,14,8,88,10,11,6,27, From 35 to 39 years old,9,63,9,28,10,63,12,74,13,82,8,42, From 40 to 49,10,09,9,62,11,13,12,93,12,98,7,64, From 50 to 59,6,7,6,55,7,27,8,22,7,87,4,59, From 60 to 69,2,81,2,84,3,1,3,28,3,24,1,69, 70 and over,9,54,9,64,9,99,9,41,8,46,4,54, Females, 18 and under,0,05,0,04,0,08,0,12,0,12,0,04, From 19 to 24 years,1,07,1,1,11,1,43,1,58,0,74, From 25 to 29 years ,4,95,4,69,5,24,6,66,7,65,4,24, From 30 to 34 years old,9,07,8,7,9,76,12,01,13,56,8,36, From 35 to 39 years old,11,15,10,58,12,18,14,46,14,87,8,93, From 40 to 49,9,56,9,25,10,54,11,9,11,69,6,84, From 50 to 59,4,99,4,85,5,35,5,88,5,61,3,22, From 60 to 69,1,67,1,67,1,89,1,92,1,89,1, 70 and over,4,13,4,44,4,67,4,27,3,38,1,76, Notas: The results of the period 2005-2010 only take account of divorces of opposite-sex marriages. The results of 2012 to 2020 (nationals, by autonomous communities and by provinces) have been updated with the Intercensal population estimates. The results of 2021 (nationals, by autonomous communities and by provinces) have been updated with the annual census on 1 January, 2021 and 1 January, 2022. Fuente: