Household Budget Survey (HBS) Distribution of households and persons (as a percentage) according to different classification variables Households and persons, according to the country of birth of the main breadwinner (as of 2011) Unidades: % ;Households;;;;;People;;;;; ;2015;2014;2013;2012;2011;2015;2014;2013;2012;2011; Total;100;100;100;100;100;100;100;100;100;100; Spain;89,6;89,6;88;87,4;87,2;88,1;88,1;86,2;85,9;85,8; Abroad;10,4;10,4;12;12,6;12,8;11,9;11,9;13,8;14,1;14,2; No data recorded;"";"";..;"";"";"";"";..;"";""; Notas: Beginning in 2011, the survey has begun to collect the country of birth of the members of the household. Fuente: