Basic Demographic Indicators Results by Autonomous Community Net Migration Rate including the territory abroad by Autonomous Community Unidades: Migraciones por mil habitantes ;2022;2021; National Total;15,21;4,03; 01 Andalucía;10,18;3,82; 02 Aragón;14,41;0,21; 03 Asturias, Principado de;9,08;1,3; 04 Balears, Illes;17,31;3,15; 05 Canarias;14,53;5,24; 06 Cantabria;10,79;3,74; 07 Castilla y León;10,9;2,8; 08 Castilla - La Mancha;13,3;3,13; 09 Cataluña;20,24;3,31; 10 Comunitat Valenciana;21,97;8,22; 11 Extremadura;5,18;1,05; 12 Galicia;9,59;3,6; 13 Madrid, Comunidad de;19,92;4,87; 14 Murcia, Región de;15,13;5,54; 15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de;13,74;4,12; 16 País Vasco;10,28;1,59; 17 Rioja, La;11,64;4,53; 18 Ceuta;5,04;1,5; 19 Melilla;9,36;-9,09; Notas: The results of 2021 have been updated with the population of the annual Census on 1 January 2021 and 1 January 2022. Fuente: