The Inventory of Statistical Operations (ISO) is a description of the statistical operations of the National Statistics Institute, the Ministries, the Bank of Spain and the General Council of the Judiciary Branch. The inventory is a fundamental instrument for statistical coordination and planning and is the starting point for the formulation of the National Statistical Plan.

The unit adopted as an inventory base is the statistical operation defined as the set of activities that lead to obtaining statistical results in a determined sector or subject based on the individually collected data.Also included in the scope of this definition are the infrastructure and statistical standardisation work that make possible the coordination, homogenisation and integration of statistics as well as the collection of results and synthesis preparation.

Date of the latest update: 7 June 2024

The classification of "responsible body" has not yet been adapted to that established in "Royal Decree 829/2023 of November 20th, on the restructuring of ministerial departments." Since the IOE arrives to the the general sub-directorate level by identifying the "executing unit" for each statistic, adaptation will be possible only with approval of royal decrees by which the organizational structure of the different ministerial departments is adapted to the provisions contained in the aforementioned royal decree.

 departamentos ministeriales a las previsiones contenidas en el citado real decreto.

A la fecha de este documento, no se han adaptado a la estructura orgánica del citado real decreto los siguientes ministerios: Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación; y Sanidad

Notice regarding the ministerial structure


Query of the statistical operations in the current ISO:

Query of the statistical operations in the former inventories: