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Censos 2011. Spain counts. It is important to know ourselves
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First steps in statistics

Start / Frequently Asked Questions / Privacy and security

  • Is the information I provide secure?
  • Yes. The Chapter III of law 12/1989 on Public Statistical Services states the compulsory nature of preserving Statistical Secrecy, for all workers linked to any statistical operation and in any of its phases. This implies that the individual information used is subject to secrecy, and may not be revealed at any stage of the data processing.

    There are security measures implemented for the correct protection of the data collected in the different systems: online, print or portable devices.

    Moreover, in the information dissemination, neither direct nor indirect identification of individual information is permitted.

  • Can I refuse to provide information?
  • No, you cannot. As stated in Law 13/1996, it is obligatory to answer the Population and Housing Censuses. If you do not respond to them, or if you provide intentionally false data, you may be subject to the sanctions listed in articles 50 and 51 of Law 12/1989 on Public Statistical Services.

  • Can other institutions access my data?
  • No, they cannot. The census data is only of a statistical nature, with no legal bearing whatsoever. Any use thereof shall be carry out anonymously, and its dissemination is subject to statistical secrecy, and therefore, only aggregated data will be provided, without any type of individual reference.

  • Is there an independent organisation that oversees that the census data is used only for the Census?
  • In addition to the safeguarding by the National Statistics Institute, the Data Protection Agency informs on the procedures and guarantees established regarding this information.

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