4667Household Budget Survey (HBS)

Institutions that intervene
INE, C. A. (País Vasco).
Works that will be carried out in the year 2007
  • Collection of data for 2007-2006.
  • Filtering of the information for 2007.
  • Use and publication of the results for 2006.
  • Special calculation of the structure of 2006 weightings for the CPI.
  • Incorporation during 2007 of a specific module that collates information related to education. It is comprised of new variables, not considered permanently in the EPF, although it also aims to obtained more broken down information on certain expenses provided previously by families, both those in education centres and those educational goods and services supplied outside the scope of these institutions.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2007  (in thousands euros)


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