The National Statistics Institute (INE), has created this site, in order to facilitate user access to statistical information and other informative content.
Data contained herein comes from various sources; The INE makes this material available to users for use as final users and whosoever wishes to re-use any content from this website must comply with section "Reuse of the information containted on this website" of this legal notice.
The intellectual property rights of this website, its graphic design and the codes contained therein are the property of the INE, unless specifically indicated otherwise. All distinctive signs and branding are protected by Law, and their unauthorised use may give rise to appropriate legal proceedings.
Quality of the information
The data and other materials that appear on this server have been introduced by following strict quality control procedures; nevertheless, errors may occur, and due to this reason the figures offered on this website may sometimes not be correct. When there is erroneous data, the INE corrects it immediately, and informs users regarding the amendment made, on the most appropriate page for each case. Nonetheless, it cannot be guaranteed that the content of this web server is free of errors. The user expressly accepts that he or she is aware of this.
The INE reserves the right to make the appropriate changes without prior notification, for the purpose of updating, correcting, adding or modifying the content included on this website or its design.
The use of the information contained on this website may be carried out by users or re-use agents, at their own risk, and they will be the sole liable parties in the case of having to answer to third parties due to damages arising from such use.
Availability of the information
The INE cannot guarantee the functioning of the communications network, and therefore does not assume any responsibility for the availability of this server. The server may be disconnected without prior notice, though maintenance tasks will be carried out in such a way that their impact will be as small as possible, and the INE will try to provide the schedule for such tasks. The INE will not be held responsible for any damage or detriment suffered by the user, arising from access to this server, or from the use of the information or applications contained herein.
Use of cookies
This website may contain cookies or other similar media that enable browsing, and which in no case are used to identify the individual user of the website. To obtain more information on this issue you may visit the section Privacy policy.
Establishing links
Users who intend to establish a link between their website and the INE website must take into account the following:
- The website in which the link is established may not contain any trademark, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive sign belonging to the INE, except those signs that are part of the link itself.
- The website in which the link is established may not contain illicit information or content, or content contrary to any third party rights.
- The establishment of a link in no way implies the existence of relations between the INE and the owner of the website in which it is established, nor does it imply the acceptance or approval of the contents or services on behalf of the INE. Therefore, it will not be stated or implied that the INE has expressly authorised the link, nor that it has supervised or assumed any of the services offered.
- The INE will not be held responsible in any way, nor does it guarantee the quality, exactness, reliability, correctness or morality of the contents or services of the website from which the link is established. The user assumes the sole responsibility of those consequences, damages or actions which might derive from access to the website including the link.
- The website in which the link is established may not contain any trademark, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive sign belonging to the INE, except those signs that are part of the link itself.
Intellectual property rights
The design of this website, its source code, as well as the logos, marks and other distinctive signs that appear in it are the property of the INE and are protected by the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights. The transformation, alteration, reuse, reproduction or copying thereof are totally prohibited unless there is express written authorisation by the INE. Furthermore, the use by third parties of any mechanism that alters the configuration or contents of this website or access to it for consideration is not permitted.
Likewise, the contents of the website hosted on the INE's servers are protected by the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights and are the property of the INE. However, the INE allows the use, full or partial reproduction, distribution, public communication, reuse or any other similar or analogous activity of the texts, documents, images and audiovisuals owned by the INE contained in this website, as provided under the heading "Reuse of the information contained in this website" of this legal notice.
Re-use of the information contained on this website
La información contenida en este sitio web procede de múltiples fuentes, por lo que el INE solo autoriza la reutilización de aquélla cuya fuente original sea el propio INE.
La licencia de uso general a aplicar a la información estadística de este sitio web, salvo que se indique lo contrario, es la Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) que implica la autorización para la reutilización de la información en condiciones no restrictivas, siendo posible la copia, distribución y comunicación pública, así como la producción de obras derivadas, incluso con finalidad comercial citando la autoría.
Esta reutilización podrá tener objeto comercial o no comercial y se realizará siempre bajo las siguientes condiciones generales:
- Debe citarse la fuente de la información objeto de reutilización. Esta cita podrá realizarse de la siguiente manera: Fuente: Sitio web del INE: si no se realiza ningún tratamiento de los datos o bien: Elaboración propia con datos extraídos del sitio web del INE: en caso de que se realice tratamiento de los datos.
- Debe mencionarse la fecha de la última actualización de la información objeto de reutilización, siempre y cuando estuviera incluida en el original.
- No se podrá indicar, insinuar o sugerir que el INE participa, patrocina o apoya la reutilización que se lleve a cabo con la información.
- La utilización de los conjuntos de datos se realizará por parte de los usuarios o agentes de la reutilización bajo su propia cuenta y riesgo, correspondiéndoles en exclusiva a ellos responder frente a terceros por daños que pudieran derivarse de ella.
- El INE no será responsable del uso que de su información hagan los agentes reutilizadores ni tampoco de los daños sufridos o pérdidas económicas que, de forma directa o indirecta, produzcan o puedan producir perjuicios económicos, materiales o sobre datos, provocados por el uso de la información reutilizada.
- Los agentes reutilizadores se hallan sometidos a la normativa aplicable en materia de reutilización de la información del sector público, incluyendo el régimen sancionador previsto en el artículo 11 de la Ley 37/2007, de 16 de noviembre, sobre reutilización de la información del sector público.
El INE se reserva el derecho a modificar estas condiciones de licencia para la información en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso.
Legislación aplicable en materia de reutilización:
- Ley 37/2007, de 16 de noviembre, sobre reutilización de la información del sector público.
- Real Decreto 1495/2011, de 24 de octubre, por el que se desarrolla la Ley 37/2007, de 16 de noviembre, sobre reutilización de la información del sector público, para el ámbito del sector público estatal.
- Resolución de 19 de febrero de 2013, de la Secretaría de Estado de Administraciones Públicas, por la que se aprueba la Norma Técnica de Interoperabilidad de Reutilización de recursos de la información.
This licence for use is governed by Spanish law, regardless of the legal environment of the user. Any dispute that may arise in the interpretation of this agreement shall be resolved in the courts of Spain.
Any query or comment regarding the content of this server should be submitted to the INE Subdirectorate General for Dissemination and Communication:
Online consultations:, Phone: (+34) 91 583 91 00; fax: (+34) 91 583 91 58