The purpose of this section is to notify users of innovations regarding the projects for statistical operations that are in a preparatory phase, and regarding the methodological changes that might affect the operations performed by the INE. This also includes those activities that the INE carries out in order to provide the necessary infrastructure to statistical production or in order to meet the requirements set out in national and international regulations.

New statistic operation projects

  • International Trade in Value-Added Indicators Panel
    • Objective: The International Trade in Value-Added Indicators Panel will make it possible to evaluate the impact on national economic activity (or that of the rest of the world) of the Spanish economy's participation in global value chains from different perspectives, such as the value added generated, related employment or the emission of polluting gases. All this within the framework of the system of national accounts and in consistency with the macroeconomic aggregates of the Spanish National Accounts.

      Dissemination date: second half 2025. Technical project

  • Survey on the Structure of Agricultural Holdings 2023
    • Objective: The purpose of the Survey on the Structure of Agricultural Holdings is to assess the situation of Spanish agriculture and to monitor the structural evolution of agricultural holdings, achieving comparable results among all EU Member States, to update the framework or directory of agricultural holdings that is used to design the samples of sectoral agricultural surveys and as a source of information for the preparation of the Accounts Agricultural Policies and serve as a basis for the formulation, application, monitoring and evaluation of agricultural policies, especially the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), as well as environmental policies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change and land use.

      Dissemination date: February 2025. Technical project

  • Experimental Statistic "Quarterly Air Emissions Accounts"
    • Objective: The purpose of the quarterly air emission accounts is to improve the periodicity and punctuality of the information offered by the annual emissions accounts. This experimental statistic will offer information on a quarterly basis on the evolution of greehouse gases emitted by the units of production and consumption resident in our country's economic territory. They are set up as an indicator to monitor aspects such as climate change and Circular Economy.

      Dissemination date: November 2024. Technical project

  • Experimental Statistic "Environmental Indicators Panel"
    • Objective: The Environmental Indicators Panel is intended to provide an overview of the indicators published by the INE on biodiversity, climate change, circular economy and energy. This project makes it possible to quantify and monitor the objectives set, with full flexibility to incorporate new indicators as new needs for measuring the various environmental aspects are detected.

      Dissemination date: 5 June 2024. Technical project

  • Estadística de Comercio Internacional de Servicios por Modos de Suministro
    • Objetivo: El Comercio Internacional de Servicios por Modos de Suministro (MoS) tiene como objetivo estimar, desde una perspectiva global, los valores de comercio internacional de servicios suministrados a través de los cuatro modos reconocidos en el Acuerdo General de Comercio de Servicios (AGCS) de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC).

      Fecha de difusión: a partir de 2025. Proyecto técnico

  • Estadística de Comercio Internacional de Servicios según Características de las Empresas
    • Objetivo:el origen principal de la demanda radica en la exigencia europea de proporcionar datos de Comercio Internacional de Servicios por Características de las Empresas (STEC) a partir del año de referencia 2022.

      Fecha de difusión: noviembre - diciembre de 2024. Proyecto técnico

Projects for the improvement and adaptation of existing ones

  • National Classification of Economic Activities 2025 (CNAE-2025)
    • Objective: the revision of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) responds to the need to reflect changes in economic and technological structures and, thus, to ensure that the statistics collected maintain their relevance and faithfully represent the economic reality of the moment. The publication of the CNAE-2025 culminates a 5-year process in the course of which its international equivalent, the International Standard Industrial Classification (CIIU), and its European analogue, the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE), have been revised, in such a way that a high degree of coherence has been maintained between said classifications. The CNAE-2025 will be published in the standards and classifications section of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) website.

      Effective date: from 1 January 2025 to 1 January 2031. Technical project

  • Statistical revision of the operations of the INE Ntational Accounting 2024
    • Objective:Therefore, the next Spanish National Accounting Statistical Revision, published this year, 2024 (RE-2024) meets the aforementioned need to periodically update the sources and methods of estimation used in its compilation. All results of the operations that make up the national and regional accounts disseminated by the INE from September 2024 will incorporate this revision. Furthermore, this process has been implemented in coordination with the Bank of Spain for financial accounts and balance of payment and investment position statistics, and with the Comptroller General of the State (IGAE) for the accounts of Public Administrations.

      Effective date: it will commence in September 2024. Technical project

  • Intensification of the use of administrative records in the Structural Business Statistics
    • Objective: This project is part of the strategic line of intensification of the use of administrative records included in the National Statistical Plan 2021-2024. In addition to responding to the new requirements of Regulation 2019/2152 on Business Statistics, this action makes it possible to reduce the statistical burden on companies and improve processes for the production and dissemination of information.

      Application date: 2022-2024. Technical project

Modernisation of information systems

  • Statistical interoperability node
    • Objective: To lay the legal and technical foundations to set up a Statistical Interoperability Node through the InterSTAT working group within the Interterritorial Statistical Committee (CITE). This project sets out to simplify the exchange of data for statistical purposes nationwide to optimise public decision-making and interoperability with other bodies of the European Union.

      Effective date: September 2024. Project

  • Online register
    • Objective: To modernise the current continuous register system. This system will incorporate new features that will improve its management: territorial information will be stored separately from population information, a Housing Identification Code (CIV) based on the catastral reference will be incorporated into each dwelling and a monthly file-based exchange system will be replaced with a real-time exchange of information based on web services.

      Effective date: fourth quarter 2026. Project

Available experimental statistic