5853Spanish Regional Accounts. Base 2000

Institutions that intervene
Works that will be carried out in the year 2009
Presentation of a new series of "Spanish Regional Accounts. Base 2000", for the 1995-2008 period, inclusively.
It includes the final estimates for years 1995-2005, provisional estimates for years 2006 and 2007, and the advance estimate for the year 2008.
The evaluation of the main aggregates will be performed in current and constant terms (at the price from the previous year, chain-linked indices). This work comprises:
- Collection and filtering of the basic regional statistical information of a structural and short-term nature.
- Application of the methods and procedures for estimation designed to regionalise national magnitudes.
- Contrast and analysis of results.
- Writing up of the appropriate technical comments.
- Presentation of information to national users and remission to national and international organisations requesting data.
- Preparation of the documentation for publication.
- Assessment, collaboration and coordination with other national and international institutions in tasks related to the Spanish Regional Accounts.
- Compilation of the corresponding press releases.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2009  (in thousands euros)


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