5371National Health System - System for Information on Primary Care

Institutions that intervene
MSCO, Councils/Departments with jurisdiction regarding all of the Autonomous Communities, Ingesa, MUFACE, MUGEJU, ISFAS.
Works that will be carried out in the year 2011
Collection, processing and analysis of the data corresponding to the year 2010, referring to population, resources, catalogues (for primary care centres, for emergency devices, mental health and palliative care), activity, portfolio of primary care services and organisational reports.
Dissemination of the information online. Improvement of the tool for use and for public access
Design of a common system for the population base, for compilation and analysis of clinical information from the computerised primary care clinical files. Councils/Departments with jurisdiction regarding all of the Autonomous Communities and Ingesa carry out the selection of data and initial operating system, the provision of the data selected and the consolidation of the proposed system, including the dissemination dynamic
In 2011, a process will be begun with the State Administrative Mutual-type Insurance (MUFACE, MUGEJU and ISFAS) in order to establish, as agreed, the guidelines and the contents of their potential contribution to the Primary Care System, based on the fact that said information integration will be carried out gradually, by increasingly complex phases.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2011  (in thousands euros)


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