2 October 2024

Total Expenditure Survey

August 2024. Provisional data

Main results

  • The total expenditure of international tourists visiting Spain in August increased by 13.0% and reached 15,363 million euros.
  • The average daily expenditure increased by 8.8% to 188 euros.

The total expenditure of international tourists visiting Spain in August reached 15,363 million euros, an increase of 13.0% compared with the same month in 2023.

The average expenditure per tourist was 1,405 euros, an annual increase of 5.3%. Meanwhile, the average daily expenditure increased by 8.8% to 188 euros. 

Annual variation rate of total international tourist expenditure

Annual variation. Percentage 

During the first eight months of 2024, the total expenditure of international tourists increased by 17.6% and reached 86,471 million euros.

Countries of origin

The main countries of origin in terms of the level of expenditure in August were the United Kingdom (with 19.7% of the total), France (14.2%) and Germany (10.8%).

Expenditure by tourists resident in the United Kingdom increased by 11.4% in the annual rate, the figure for French tourists rose by 10.6% and for German tourists by 15.0%.

International tourist expenditure by country of residence. August 2024

During the first eight months of 2024, the UK was the country with the highest cumulative expenditure (18.2% of the total). It was followed by Germany (11.9%) and France (9.1%).

Expenditure items

Expenditure on accommodation was the most important item in August, accounting for 20.7% of the total expenditure and an increase of 15.6% compared with the same month in 2023.

The following items were expenditure on activities and package tours, with 18.8% and 18.5% of the total, respectively. The former increased by 10.5% and the latter by 15.2%.

International tourist expenditure by expenditure categories. August 2024

Type of accommodation, method of organization and reason for the trip

64.0% of total expenditure in August was made by tourists who stayed overnight in hotel accommodation, an annual increase of 11.1%. On the other hand, expenditure on non-market accommodation increased by 9.2%.

Expenditure by tourists not travelling with a package tour increased by 12.4% in annual terms. For those who contracted a package tour, it increased by 14.5%.

In terms of the reason for travel, tourists visiting Spain for leisure generated 93.6% of total expenditure, with a 14.3% higher outlay than in August 2023.

International tourist expenditure by main type of accommodation, method of organization and main purpose of the trip. August 2024

(*) Two main groups of accommodation are distinguished according to whether or not there has been a monetary transaction: market (paid accommodation: hotels, rental accommodation, camping, rural house and other market accommodation) or non-market (owned housing, family and friends housing and other non-market accommodation).

Autonomous communities of main destination

The Autonomous Communities of main destination with the greatest weight in tourist spending in August were the Illes Balears (with 23.2% of the total), Cataluña (19.9%) and Andalucía (14.9%). Tourist expenditure increased by 9.1% in annual rate in Illes Balears, 8.8% in Cataluña and 15.6% in Andalucía.

International tourist expenditure according to the autonomous community of the main destination. August 2024

During the first eight months of 2024, the communities with the highest cumulative expenditure were Cataluña (with 19.1% of the total), Canarias (17.3%) and Illes Balears (17.0%).

Data revisions and updates

The data published today are provisional and will be revised in March next year. All results of this operation are available on INEBase.

Methodological note

The main objective of the Tourist Expenditure Survey (EGATUR) is to obtain monthly information on the tourist expenditure made by non-residents in Spain in their trips to our country. In preparing it, the international definitions and recommendations of the UNWTO and EUROSTAT in this field are followed.

Type of operation:
continuous monthly statistics.
Population scope:
this refers to non-residents in Spain who enter our country, whether or not they have stayed overnight, as well as those who pass through our country in transit.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory. The sample is collected at the main access points for non-resident travelers (road, airport, port and rail).
Reference period of the results:
the month.
Sample size:
The theoretical annual sample size of EGATUR exceeds 127,000 surveys, which are distributed throughout the year according to the seasonality of the flow of passengers and to the sample design, which is defined for each access road independently, setting a fraction of the sub-sampling from the FRONTUR sample.
Type of sampling:
Single stage, where the estimates of the FRONTUR survey are used as the target population to which the EGATUR data are elevated.
Collection method:
the information is collected by direct interviews when the traveller leaves Spain, using a multilingual electronic questionnaire. It is important to note that the survey is administered to the visitors when they are leaving the country, so the information collected could refer to a longer period than the reference month.

For more information you can access the methodology and the standardized methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information in Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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