List of municipalities created
Province Code Name Municipality from which it is segregated Annotation on list Effective date
List of municipalities missing
Province Code Name Municipality to which it is incorporated Date in which it ceases to exist
Change of names of municipalities
Province New name or in vernacular language Code Previous name Annotation on list
Balears, Illes Palma 07 040 7 Palma de Mallorca 30-01-17
Castellón/Castelló Almassora 12 009 4 Almazora/Almassora 30-01-17
Navarra Ujué/Uxue 31 235 9 Ujué 27-07-17
Segovia Carabias 40 161 5 Pradales 30-01-17
Valencia/València València 46 250 8 Valencia 27-03-17
Correction in the names of municipalities
Province Name corrected Code Previous Name
Almería Albanchez 04 004 6 Albánchez
Granada Jérez del Marquesado 18 108 9 Jerez del Marquesado
Salamanca Éjeme 37 118 7 Ejeme