Concept selected: Group company


Company in which all the shareholders as a group and under a corporate name, undertake to participate in the proportion established, with the same rights and obligations, responding in a subsidiary, personal, joint and several manner and without limits with all their assets for the results of corporate transactions. The group company functions under a corporate name which will be made up of the name of all its partners, some of them or just one of them. The words "and company" should be added in the latter two cases. For the constitution of the company a minimum of two partners is necessary but there is no legal maximum. The company administration may be assumed by all the partners except by express agreement to the contrary in favour of one or some of them. For the acquisition of personality the following are necessary: -Public deed 6 -registration in the Mercantile Register -census declaration and obtaining a tax identification number With respect to capital, there is no legal minimum or maximum.


Surveys Mercantile Companies and Bankruptcy Proceedings

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
Concepts associated