Concept selected: Purchases and work carried out by other companies


The total purchases of goods and services include the value of all of the goods and services acquired by the company during the reference year for resale or consumption in the production process. The goods and services in question may be resold with or without subsequent transformation, be used completely in the production process or be stored. Included in the global concept of purchases are the materials that are directly incorporated into the goods produced (raw materials, intermediate products, components), as well as the small tools and non-capitalised capital goods. This also includes the value of the complementary materials (lubricants, water, packages, maintenance and repair materials, office material), energy products used in the production process and purchases of materials used by the unit itself in the production of capital goods. The total purchases of goods and services are valued at their purchase price, excluding deductible VAT and other deductible taxes that are directly linked to turnover.


From an accounting viewpoint, this concept is the total amount obtained as a result of aggregating the net purchases of raw materials, the net purchases of other supplies, the net purchases of merchandise and the work carried out by other companies.


Statistics on Affiliates of Spanish Companies Abroad and Inward FATS in Spain. Methodology

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
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