Concept selected: Purchase of R&D (external R&D)
- Definition
It includes funds paid to research services firms or other units performing R&D under contract. It excludes the internal funds to support a unit's active participation in collaborative R&D projects, these projects should be recorded as part of a unit's intramural performance.
- Notes
La clasificación básica del destino de la compra de I+D (I+D externa) es la siguiente: Compra de I+D (I+D externa) en España (sin IVA) - A empresas - A organismos de la Administración Pública - A universidades y otros centros de enseñanza superior - A instituciones privadas sin fines de lucro Compra de I+D (I+D externa) en el resto del mundo (sin impuestos) - A empresas del resto del mundo - A organismos de administraciones públicas del resto del mundo - A universidades y otros centros de enseñanza superior del resto del mundo - A instituciones privadas sin fines de lucro del resto del mundo - A otras organizaciones internacionales
- Source
Statistics on R&D Activities in the Business Sector. Methodology
- Topic
- Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
- 30057 - Statistics on R&D Activities in the Business Sector
- 30058 - Statistics on R&D Activities in the Public Administration Sector
- 30059 - Statistics on R&D Activities in the Private Non-Profit Institutions Sector
- 30060 - Statistics on R&D Activities in the Higher Education Sector
- 30081 - Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Sector Indicators
- 30197 - High Technology Indicators
- Concepts associated
There are no related concepts