Concept selected: Population nucleus


The Population nucleus is considered to be a whole of at least ten buildings, forming streets, squares and other urban roads. As an exception, the number of buildings may be smaller than 10, so long as the population inhabiting them exceeds 50 inhabitants. The nucleus includes those buildings that, being isolated, are closer than 200 metres from the outer limits of the aforementioned whole, though in the determination of said distance, we must exclude that land occupied by industrial or commercial installations, parks, gardens, sports areas, cemeteries, parking lots and others, as well as those channels or rivers that may be crossed via bridges. The buildings or dwellings of a singular population entity that may not be included in the nucleus will be considered in the surrounding area. A singular population entity may have more than one nucleus, or none at all, if all of it is found in a surrounding area. No dwelling may belong simultaneously to two or more nuclei, or to a nucleus and a surrounding area.


Municipal register

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
Concepts associated