Concept selected: Initial Professional Qualification Programs


Aimed at students over the age of sixteen who have not obtained the title of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education; exceptionally and with the agreement of students and parents or guardians, said age may be reduced to fifteen years. Their objective is for all students to achieve professional skills of a level one qualification according to the structure of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications. They include three types of modules: specific modules referring to skill units corresponding to level one of the aforementioned catalogue; general training modules that expand basic skills and promote a transition to the working world; and voluntary modules that lead to the title of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education, which can be taken simultaneously with the previous modules or once they have been passed. Students who pass the compulsory modules obtain an academic certification validating the skills acquired.


Survey on the Transition from Education/Training to Labour Market Insertion.Methodology

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
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