Concept selected: Sports Education


These studies are organized in Intermediate and Higher Levels, for each type of sport and, where appropriate, specialties. The Intermediate Level corresponds to studies resulting in the title of Sports Technician. Possession of the title of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education or equivalent for academic purposes is required, along with passing a specific test. Higher-level training leads to the title of Superior Sports Technician. Possession of the title of Sports Technician is required for admission, or where appropriate, the title of the corresponding sports specialty, the title of Baccalaureate or its academic equivalent, and in some cases, the passing of a specific type of test. Admission to the Intermediate and Higher levels of study can also be granted without meeting the established academic requirements, provided that the other access requirements and the established age conditions are met and a maturity test is passed.


Survey on the Transition from Education/Training to Labour Market Insertion.Methodology

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
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