Concept selected: Artistic Studies


The set of studies which aims to provide quality artistic training and to guarantee the qualification of future professionals in music, dance and the fine arts, design and preservation of cultural assets. Artistic Studies include: . Elementary Music and Dance studies. . Professional Artistic Studies. Professional Music and Dance studies are included, as well as the intermediate and higher degrees in Fine Arts and Design. . Higher Artistic Studies. Includes higher studies in Music and Dance, Dramatic Arts, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, higher studies in Design, and the higher studies in Fine Arts, including the higher studies in Ceramics and Glassworks. Higher artistic education is structured academically in three levels: - Higher Degree: Requires possession of a Baccalaureate degree, or for those over 25 years of age, passing the university entrance test. A specific admissions test regulated by the educational administrations in which the applicant demonstrates the knowledge and professional skills necessary to take advantage of these teachings is also required. Those over 16 (for Music and Dance), 18 (for Dramatic Art) and 19 (for Fine Arts and Design and Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets) who do not meet the academic requirements will be granted admission after passing a specific test, regulated and organized by the educational administrations, which certifies that the applicant has the knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to take advantage of higher education. The duration of these studies is 4 academic years (240 ECTS credits) - Master's degree - Doctorate


Survey on the Transition from Education/Training to Labour Market Insertion.Methodology

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