Concept selected: Dropping Out of Compulsory Secondary Education


Student enrolled at the beginning of the academic year in Compulsory Secondary Education (GCSE), who are no longer enrolled the following academic year and who do not obtain the Degree Certificate. Students who drop out of the GCSE without a degree are included: . regardless of the academic year at the time of dropping out, . a student who, in the following year, completes the Initial Professional Qualification Program or Secondary Education for Adults; and may be enrolled in any of these programs prior to completing the course that is abandoned. . the student who later rejoin GCSE, after not having completed their education in the year after dropping out. In order to simplify the delimitation of this group and associate it with the final years of GCSE, it is defined as a grouping of the following subgroups: - 4th year GCSE students who in the final evaluation are not proposed for the Degree Certificate of Secondary Education; and who, in the following academic year, did not repeat the 4th year of GCSE (ordinary regime) or request transfer to another school to continue their studies. - Students enrolled in the 4th year of GCSE who drop out during the academic year, prior to evaluation, and who do not request transfer to another school to continue the same studies. - Students enrolled in the 3rd year of GCSE who are 16 or over at the end of the academic year, who in the following year are not enrolled in GCSE and have not requested a transfer to another school to continue the same studies. - Students enrolled in the 2nd year of GCSE who are 16 or over at the end of the academic year, who in the following year are not enrolled in GCSE and have not requested a transfer to another school to continue the same studies. - Students enrolled in the 1st year of GCSE who are 16 or over at the end of the academic year, who in the following year are not enrolled in GCSE and have not requested a transfer to another school to continue the same studies.


Survey on the Transition from Education/Training to Labour Market Insertion.Methodology

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