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Harmonised Labour Cost Index (HLCI). Base 2020. Fourth Quarter 2024. Provisional data 10 March 2025

The cost per hour worked increased by 3.7% in the annual rate in the series adjusted for calendar and seasonal effects, and 2.3% in the original series. The activity that registered the greatest increase in annual rate in adjusted data was Financial and insurance activities (6.0%).

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Labour cost per hour worked - Quarter 4/2024
Indicator Note Index Variation
General Index 118.438 2.3
Adjusted index 1 114.204 3.7
  • Variation as compared to the same quarter of the previous year
    • Seasonal and calendar effect adjusted data
Latest data
Quarter 4/2024 Published: 10/03/2025
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Did you know...?

The Harmonised Labour Cost Index (ICLA) It is a continuous statistical operation on a quarterly basis whose objective is to provide a common and comparable measure of the labor cost per hour worked for the entire European Union, which allows monitoring the evolution of said labor cost.

Indices are provided based on 2016 of the total labor cost, wages and salaries and other net costs of subsidies received for the use of the work factor (includes social contributions paid by employers and non-salary perceptions). The total labor cost index is also provided, excluding extraordinary payments and arrears.