- Type of operation: Statistics presented mainly in the form of indices
- Base year: 2020
- Population scope: Employed workers in local units.
- Sources of information: The Quarterly Labour Cost Survey which is conducted on the basis of the Social Security contribution accounts. General Scheme: Sections B to S of CNAE-09 and Special Scheme for Sea Workers: Sea Transport (Division 50 of CNAE-09). In order to cover all the employees of the public administrations, information from the DARETRI file is used.
- Geographical scope: the entire national territory
- Reference period of the results: the calendar quarter
- Method of calculation: chained Laspeyres.
- Standardised Methodological Report
- File in the Inventory of Statistical Operations: 30211
Methodological documents, questionnaires, classifications...
- Methodology Based on CNAE-09 / Based on CNAE-93
- Elaboration of retrospective series
- Regulation (EC) No 450/2003 and No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1216/2003 and No 224/2007
- Questionnaire
- National Classification of Economic Activities: CNAE-2009 / CNAE-93