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Industrial Turnover Indices (ITI). May 2024. Provisional data 18 July 2024

The annual rate variation of the Total Industrial Turnover Index stands at -0.5% in the seasonal and calendar adjusted and -1.4% in the original. The monthly variation stands at -0.8%, after seasonal and calendar adjustment.

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Industrial Turnover Indices - May 2024
Indicator Note Annual variation in the original series Annual variation in the corrected series
General index -1.4 -0.5
Consumer goods 3.1 3.5
Capital goods -5.5 -4.0
Intermediate goods -4.4 -3.5
Energy 7.9 12.7
  • Seasonally and calendar adjusted series
Latest data
May 2024 Published: 18/07/2024
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Did you know...?

The Industrial Turnover Indices (ITI) are short-term indicators whose objective is to measure the monthly evolution of the demand directed at industry branches, excluding construction.

The information needed for their development began to be collected in January 2002, along with that of the Industrial New Orders Received Indices (INORI), through the implementation of a continuous monthly survey which investigates over 11,000 industrial establishments distributed throughout the national territory.