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Housing Price Index (HPI). Base 2015. First Quarter 2024 6 June 2024

The annual variation rate of the Housing Price Index stands at 6.3%. The annual variation of new housing was 10.1%, and that of second-hand housing was 5.7%. House prices rose 2.6% compared to the previous quarter.

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Housing Price Index. Base 2015 - Quarter 1/2024
Indicator Note Quarterly variation Annual change
General index 2.6 6.3
New dwelling 5.5 10.1
Second-hand dwelling 2.2 5.7
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Quarter 1/2024 Published: 06/06/2024
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Did you know...?

The Housing price index (IPV) aims to measure the evolution of the sale prices of free-priced homes, both new and second-hand, over time.

The source of information used comes from the databases on deeded homes provided by the General Council of Notaries, from which the transaction prices of the homes are obtained, as well as the weights assigned to each set of homes with common characteristics. The sample used for this statistic includes all the houses registered in the reference quarter.

The IPV design and development process has been carried out simultaneously with that of the HPI, harmonized housing indicator of the European Union, coordinated by the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat).

The IPV and the HPI differ in two technical aspects: on the one hand, the reference period of the weights is the year prior to the current one, in the case of the HPI, while the IPV uses the two previous years for its calculation. On the other, the HPI incorporates VAT in the price of the new home and the IPV does not include it.