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Business Statistics by Group Status. Year 2022 25 September 2024

Companies resident in Spain that are part of groups generated 66.9% of the turnover of Industry, Commerce and Non-Financial Services. The affiliates of foreign multinational groups had a turnover of 745,265 million euros and employed 2,119,008 people. France, Germany and the United States were the countries whose affiliates generated the highest turnover in 2022.

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Companies residing in Spain from industry, commercial and non-financial service, according to affiliation within a group. 2021 - Year 2022
Indicator Note Number of companies Employed personnel Turnover (millions of euros)
TOTAL 2,985,492 13,805,486 2,593,432,554
Does not form part of a business group 2,929,315 8,020,585 859,165,665
Forms part of a business group 56,177 5,784,901 1,734,266,889
Of a domestic group 36,454 1,976,155 381,251,791
Of a Spanish multinational 5,514 1,689,738 607,750,453
Of a foreign multinational 14,209 2,119,008 745,264,645
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Year 2022 Published: 25/09/2024
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Did you know...?

The Business Statistics on Affiliated Companies (BSAC) presents annual information on the main economic and employment variables of companies residing in Spain from industrial, commercial and non-financial services sectors, classifying the statistical findings according to whether the company forms part of a business group, differentiating by the type of group (entirely domestically held, Spanish multinational or foreign multinational). The statistic includes economic aggregates such as the value of production and gross value added, as well as the main indicators.

In addition, and specifically for Spanish affiliates of foreign multinationals, it describes information by the activity and size of the affiliate, as well as the country or geographic area of the parent company having ultimate control over it.

In 2021, the approach to the dissemination of this statistic was expanded to include the new feature of one section of charts on the total companies residing in Spain according to their status as affiliates, and devoting the second section to the statistical finding on foreign affiliates in Spain (FILINT) that the INE had published previously.