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Quarterly National Spanish Accounts. Second Quarter 2024 27 September 2024

In terms of volume, the GDP registered a variation of 0.8% in the second quarter compared with the previous quarter. This rate was one tenth lower than that of the first quarter. Year-on-year GDP variation was 3.1%, compared to 2.5% in the previous quarter . Domestic demand contributed by 2.4 points and external demand by 0.7 points.

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QNA - Quarter 2/2024
Indicator Note Quarterly variation Annual change
GDP at market prices 1 0.8 3.1
Full-time equivalent employment 0.2 2.1
  • Seasonally and calendar adjusted data.
    • Chained volume reference 2015

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Did you know...?

The Quarterly National Accounts of Spain: main aggregates (QNA) is a short-term summary statistic whose objective is to provide a quantitative description of the recent evolution of the national economy within the framework of the Spanish National Accounts. It provides estimates of GDP and its components in their three approaches (supply, demand and income), both in current prices and in terms of volume (in the case of the income approach, only at current prices), as well as employment (persons, jobs, full-time equivalent jobs and hours worked) and national income. In addition, all estimates are presented both as non-adjusted and adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects.

The QNA adopts the methodology of the European System of National and Regional Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), just like the rest of the statistical operations that make up the system of national accounts in Spain.

The results correspond to the 2019 Benchmark Revision (ESA 2010). In the Related Links section you may consult the information corresponding to previous accounting bases.

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