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Quarterly Non-Financial Accounts for the Institutional Sectors (QNFAIS). Third Quarter 2024 30 December 2024

The net lending of the national economy compared with the rest of the world stood at 19,407 million euros in the third quarter of 2024. Gross national income reached 391.297 billion euros in the third quarter and the gross national disposable income came to 387.069 billion. The household savings rate was 7.1% of their gross disposable income in the third quarter, compared with 5.5% in the same period in 2023.

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Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) by institutional sector and households saving rate - Quarter 3/2024
Indicator Note Value Variation Percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Total economy 19,407 4,703 4.9
Non-Financial Corporations 1,790 1,656 0.5
Financial corporations 7,901 -1,498 2.0
General government 9,318 930 2.4
Households 398 3,615 0.1
Household saving rate 7.1 1.6 --
  • Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) in Million euro
    Year-to-year change: difference compared to the same quarter of the previous year
    Households including non-profit institutions serving households

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Did you know...?

The Quarterly Non-Financial Accounts for the Institutional Sectors (QNFAIS) quantify the economic relations that occur each quarter among the institutional sectors that make up the national economy (households and non-profit institutions serving households, non-financial corporations, financial corporations and the general government) and between these and the rest of the world. They constitute an ordered series of accounts describing each of the phases of the economic process: production and generation of income, distribution and redistribution, final consumption, saving and accumulation of assets.

The results of the QNFAIS are presented in the form of integrated and detailed accounts, as well as a time series of the different operations and balances recorded therein. It also includes the series adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects of the main accounting balances of the national economy, flows with the rest of the world and the main balances and transactions of non-financial corporations, general government and households.

The results correspond to the 2024 Benchmark Revision (ESA 2010). In the Related Links section you may consult the information corresponding to previous accounting bases.