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Mortgage Statistics (M). May 2024. Provisional data 19 July 2024

The number of mortgages constituted on dwellings recorded in the land registries in May was 27,435, 18.2% fewer in the annual rate. The average amount of mortgages on dwellings fell by 0.3%, standing at 141,457 euros. The average interest rate on new mortgages on dwellings was 3.25%.

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Mortgages constituted on dwellings - May 2024
Indicator Note Value Monthly change Annual change
Number of mortgaged dwellings 27,435 -19.9 -18.2
Average amount (euros) 141,457 1.5 -0.3
Average interest rate 3.25 -3.6 3.3
Latest data
May 2024 Published: 19/07/2024
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Did you know...?

The Mortgage Statistics provide information on constitutions of mortgages, that is, regarding the number of new mortgages constituted on real estate properties during the reference month and the amount of new mortgage loans corresponding to said mortgages. Since 2006, information on changes and cancellations in mortgages is published. All this information is broken down on the basis of various variables such as the nature of the mortgaged property or lending institution.

Colegio de Registradores
All the information on constitutions, changes and register cancellations of mortgages is obtained from the information contained in the Land Registers of the entire national territory, by virtue of a collaboration agreement signed in 2004 between the two institutions. In order to facilitate comparisons, the data for 2003 are presented according to both the old and the new base.