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Survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises. Year 2022- First quarter 2023 25 October 2023

9.6% of enterprises with 10 or more employees used artificial intelligence in the first quarter of 2023. 18.6% uses Business Intelligence and 31.7% buys Cloud Computing services.31.7% of enterprises made e-commerce sales in 2022, increasing the volume of business generated by 20.3% compared to 2021.

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Indicators on ICT use in companies - Años 2022-2023
Indicator Note Empresas con menos de 10 empleados Empresas con más de 10 empleados
Have computers 1 88.74 99.50
Has internet connection 1 85.03 98.99
Have internet connection and website 2 30.63 78.53
Use social media 2 33.92 63.57
Make sales via electronic commerce 1 14.16 31.69
Make purchases via electronic commerce 1 21.73 41.78
  • Data measured as a percentage of the total number of companies of each type
  • Data measured as a percentage of the total number of companies with an internet connection of each type
Latest data
Años 2022-2023 Published: 25/10/2023
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  • Download files Information table
    Last modified:
    File size:
    52,651.00 bytes
    Agrupación de actividad (excepto CNAE 56, 64-66 y 95.1), Principales variables, Tamaño de la empresa
    Ventas por comercio electrónico
  • Download files Information table
    Last modified:
    File size:
    42,081.00 bytes
    Agrupación de actividad (excepto CNAE 56, 64-66 y 95.1), Principales variables, Tamaño de la empresa
    C* Artificial Intelligence
  • Download files Information table
    Last modified:
    File size:
    17,645.00 bytes
    Agrupación de actividad (excepto CNAE 56, 64-66 y 95.1), Principales variables, Tamaño de la empresa
    Cloud computing
  • Download files Information table
    Last modified:
    File size:
    17,518.00 bytes
    Agrupación de actividad (excepto CNAE 56, 64-66 y 95.1), Principales variables, Tamaño de la empresa
    Uso de ordenadores y otras tecnologías
  • Download files Information table
    Last modified:
    File size:
    44,690.00 bytes
    Agrupación de actividad (excepto CNAE 56, 64-66 y 95.1), Principales variables, Tamaño de la empresa
    Especialistas y perfiles TIC

Did you know...?

The Survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises main objective is to obtain the necessary data to measure the use of information and communication technologies and electronic commerce in companies in the member countries of the European Union.

Following the methodological recommendations of the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), the survey has a double temporal scope; the variables on ICT use refer to the first quarter of the year in which the survey is carried out, while the general information on the company, electronic commerce and ICT training refer to the previous year.

Since the 2021-2022 edition of the Survey on the use of ICT and Electronic Commerce in companies, the statistical unit has been modified in application of European Regulation 2019/2152. Among other things, this repeals the previous Regulation 808/2004. The statistical unit is the Statistical Enterprise, as defined in European Regulation 696/1993.

The European Union has co-financed the implementation costs of this statistical operation.
