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Innovation in Companies Survey. Year 2022 19 December 2023

El gasto en actividades innovadoras alcanzó los 20.836 millones de euros en 2022. El 23,9% de las empresas españolas fueron innovadoras en el periodo 2020-2022.

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Expenditure in technological innovation and innovative companies - Year 2022
Indicator Note Value
Spending on innovative activities 1 20,836,041
Percentage of innovative companies 23.9
Percentage of companies with innovations of products 12.0
Percentage of companies with innovations of business processes 21.0
  • Definición según Manual de Oslo de 2018
    • Thousands of euros
Latest data
Year 2022 Published: 19/12/2023
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Did you know...?

The main objective of the Community Innovation Survey in Enterprises is to provide direct information on the innovation process in enterprises, developing indicators that allow to ascertain the different aspects of this process (economical impact, innovative activities, cost...). As well as providing rich and varied information on the technological innovation process, this study may serve as the base framework for diverse specific studies on other aspects related to science and technology (such as the use of cutting-edge technology in manufacture, technological payments and incomes, studies about patents, etc.).

En la Encuesta de Innovación correspondiente al año 2018 se produce una ruptura de la serie debido al cambio metodológico de la nueva versión del Manual de Oslo. Por ese motivo, los datos no son comparables con los publicados correspondientes a años anteriores.
