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Survey on the Involvement of the Adult Population in Learning Activities. Year 2022 20 November 2023

50.6% of the population aged 18 to 69 engaged in some form of educational activity in 2022. 54.6% of adults acquired knowledge through informal learning.

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Training and learning of the adult population (18 to 69 years) - Year 2022
Indicator Note Absolute value Relative value
Persons who carry out educational activities 16,510.9 50.6
Persons who can use English as a non-mother tongue 13,723.5 42.1
Persons with a university degree 8,688.3 26.6
  • Valor absoluto: miles de personas; Valor relativo: % sobre el total de la población adulta (18 a 69 años)
Latest data
Year 2022 Published: 20/11/2023

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Did you know...?

The Survey on Adult Population Involvement in Learning Activities is the implantation in Spain of the European project, Adult Education Survey, coordinated by Eurostat.

The objective of this survey is to ascertain the training and learning activities carried out by the adult population (lifelong learning).

The survey provides national results and results by Autonomous Community, with tables regarding: participation in learning activities, difficulties, the search for information on learning possibilities, linguistic knowledge and highest educational level attained.