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Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations 2023. Resident population in centers. Year 2023 30 April 2024

A total of 357,894 people resident in centres (94.7 for every 100 residents) stated that they had a disability. The most frequent disabilities were related to basic activities of daily life. 88.6% of the people with disabilities had problems with personal care, 86.9% with domestic life and 86.2% had major mobility difficulties.

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Personas con discapacidad en centros según grupo de discapacidad y sexo.
  Ambos sexos Hombres Mujeres
Con alguna discapacidad 357.894 124.774 233.121
Visión 84.579 26.250 58.329
Audición 86.315 25.564 60.751
Comunicación 221.069 73.368 147.701
Aprendizaje y desarrollo de tareas 225.512 70.992 154.520
Movilidad 308.351 100.233 208.118
Autocuidado 317.011 104.387 212.624
Vida doméstica 311.043 103.506 207.537
Relaciones personales 142.482 48.568 93.914

  • Nota: una persona puede tener discapacidades de más de un grupo de discapacidad
Latest data
2023. Población residente en centros Published: 30/04/2024

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Did you know...?

The 2023 Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations in centres (EDADc 2023) is a survey aimed at people with disabilities aged six years old and over who reside in retirement homes for the elderly, centres for people with disabilities, psychiatric and long-stay geriatric hospitals and sheltered accommodation.

As was the case with the survey of households in 2020, the general aim is to meet the demand for information from the Public Administrations and numerous users such as the organisations of the Social Action Third Sector, providing a statistical basis in designing policies for people with disabilities that are aimed at increasing personal autonomy and preventing situations of dependency.

Four macro-surveys have been carried out on disability: the Survey on Disabilities, Deficiencies and Handicaps in 1986, the Survey on Disabilities, Deficiencies and State of Health in 1999 and the Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations in 2008 and 2020.

Apart from the one conducted in 2023, in addition to the survey of households, a specific survey of centres was conducted in 2008.