Download complete publications:
- Survey on Disabilities, Impairments and Health Status 1999. General report
- Survey on Disabilities, Impairments and Health Status 1999. Basic data
- INE Figures Collection
- May 2024. Overview of disability in care centres
- June 2023. Causes of death two years after the beginning of the pandemic
- June 2021. Mental health in the pandemic
- July 2020. Health Industries
- November 2012. 2012: European Year on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity. Health
- June 2012. Spain and the EU: a comparison regarding mortality from cancer
- April 2012. Health and its risks
- October 2011. Healthy settings
- November 2009. Overview of Disabilities in Spain
- May 2009. 15 May. International Day of the Families
- April 2009. 7 April. World Health Day
- September 2006. October 1st. International day for Older Persons
- June 2005. The health of Spaniards
- October 2004. 16th October. World Food Day
- July 2004. Health and sexual habits
- December 2000. Disabilities survey