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Conviction Statistics: Adults / Minors. Year 2022 25 September 2023

Adults convicted by final judgement increased by 9.4% in 2022 and that of minors grew by 3.2% The most frequent offences of adults were related to road safety (25.2% of the total), theft (17.1%) and injuries (13.6%).

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Convicted by final judgement - Year 2022
Indicator Note Value Annual change
Total convicted minors 14,026 3.2
Men 11,235 2.0
Women 2,791 8.2
Convicted sex offenders 501 14.1
  • Refers to persons aged 14 to 17 years
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Year 2022 Published: 25/09/2023
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Did you know...?

The Conviction statistics: Minors is conducted by the National Institute for Statistics based on information deriving from the Central Register for Criminal Responsibility of Minors, which is owned by the Ministry of Justice. Its statistical exploitation is the result of the collaboration agreement signed in 2007 between both institutions, updated and renewed on November 21, 2017.

The fundamental objective of these statistics is the analysis of the social demographic characteristics of under-age persons (14 to 17 years old) that have been formally convicted over the course of the reference period. It also provides information about the criminal offences committed by under-age persons that have been convicted as well as the measures adopted. Since 2017, more detailed information on sexual offences is also offered.