- Type of survey: Annual
- Population scope: Private households
- Geographical scope: Spanish territory
- Reference period of the results: Calendar year
- Reference period of the information: It changes depending on the type of expenditure (see methodology)
- Sample size: 24,000 households (approx.)
- Type of sampling: Two-stage stratified sampling in the first stage units
- Collection method: Mixed with direct entry by the household and interviews with the household
- Standardised Methodological Report
- File in the Inventory of Statistical Operations: 30458
Methodological documents, questionnaires, classifications, ...
From 2016. Classification ECOICOP
- Classification of goods and services. ECOICOP: Explanatory note A partir del año 2016, la EPF incorpora la nueva clasificación europea de consumo (ECOICOP). En la recogida se ha utilizado una clasificación ampliada, ECOICOP/Recogida. En la tabulación se incluye tanto la ECOICOP como otra nueva clasificación (ECOICOP/EPF) que fundamentalmente consiste en agrupar determinados códigos de la ECOICOP con el objetivo de ofrecer información más consistente. - Classification - Correspondences
Period 2006 - 2015. Classification COICOP