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Statistics on the Collection and Treatment of Waste. Year 2021 27 November 2023

Urban waste management companies collected 22.7 million tonnes of waste, that is, 4.4% more than in 2020. Separate collection increased by 9.8%, reaching 5.6 millions of tons. 478.7 kilograms of urban waste per person are collected in 2021, that is, 4.3% more than the previous year.

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Urban waste collection - Year 2021
Indicator Note Value Variation
Mixed waste 1 17,088.9 2.5
Separated collection waste 1 5,588.1 10.6
Waste per inhabitant 2 478.7 4.3
  • Variation Percentage over the previous year
    • Millions of tonnes
    • Kilogrammes per inhabitant
Latest data
Year 2021 Published: 27/11/2023
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Did you know...?

The main objectives of the Statistics on the collection and treatment of waste are to quantify in phyiscal units urban waste collected and the final treatment of both urban and non-urban waste, by treatment operation. Thus, of the total amounts treated for each waste category, this ascertains what amount corresponds to each of the treatment operations considered.