Latest press releases

Survey on the Structure of Agricultural Holdings. Year 2016 15 December 2017

The number of agricultural decreases by 2.1% in the period comprised between 2013 and 2016. The average used agricultural area per holding stands at 25.06 hectares, with a 1.6% increase as compared to 2013.

Previous press releases
Farm Structure Survey - Year 2016
Indicator Note Value Variation
Number of holdings 945,024 -2.1
Total area (TA) 1 30,012,082 -0.1
Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) 1 23,229,753 -0.3
  • Variation percentage survey 2013 over survey 2016
    • Hectares
Latest data
Year 2016 Published: 15/12/2017

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Did you know...?

The main objectives of the Farm Structure Survey are:

a) To evaluate the situation of Spanish agriculture and monitor the structural evolution of agricultural holdings, as well as to obtain comparable results from all the European Union Member States.

b) To comply with legal regulations set out by the European Union in the different Council regulations, as well as to meet national statistical requirements and other international requests for statistical information on the agrarian sector.