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Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI). August 2024. Provisional data 18 October 2024

The annual variation of the Market Services Sector turnover index was 2.8% in the calendar and seasonally adjusted series. In August, the monthly rate was -1.0% if seasonal and calendar effects are removed.

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Market Services sector indicators - August 2024
Indicator Note Monthly change Annual change
Turnover index Original series -14.3 1.2
Turnover index Seasonally adjusted series 1 -1.0 2.8
Occupancy indices -0.7 1.6
  • Series adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects
Latest data
August 2024 Published: 18/10/2024
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Did you know...?

Los Services sector activity indicators (SSAI) measure the short-term evolution of the activity of companies belonging to non-financial market Services, through two variables: turnover and employed personnel. Turnover comprises the amounts invoiced by the company for the provision of services and the sale of goods. Employed personnel includes both wage-earning and unpaid personne.

In order to obtain this data, an ongoing survey is conducted, every month researching more than 28,000 companies that operate in this sector. Results are presented as indices so as to measure variations as compared to base year 2015.