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Survey on Centres and Services to Support for Homeless Persons. Year 2022 26 September 2023

En 2022 se alojaron diariamente una media de 21.684 personas mayores de 18 años en centros de atención a personas sin hogar, un 22,0% más que en 2020. Los centros que ofrecen servicios de restauración sirvieron de media al día 51.379 servicios, un 10,5% más que en 2020. El número medio de viviendas destinadas a los programas Housing First/Housing Led aumentó un 51,8%.

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Assistance centres for homeless persons - Year 2022
Indicator Note Value Variation
Persons hosted 21,684 22.0
  • Value: average of persons hosted daily
    Variation percentage over the previous period (two-yearly survey)
Latest data
Year 2022 Published: 26/09/2023

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Did you know...?

The Survey on Centres and Services to Support for Homeless Persons has been performed since 2003. Its main objective is the study of different characteristics of attention centres for homeless people, both in general terms, focusing on allowances provided, population assisted and its orientation; and other characteristics related to economic and functional aspects, such as financing sources, human and financial resources, periods of usual activity, such as capacity and occupancy.

It is performed with help from Instituto Vasco de Estadística (EUSTAT) in the scope of the Autonomous Community that is País Vasco.