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Business Turnover Index (BTI). May 2024. Provisional data 22 July 2024

The annual rate of the Business Turnover stands at 1.3% in the seasonal and calendar adjusted series and 1.2% in the original. The monthly variation of the Business Turnover stands at -1.8%, after seasonal and calendar adjustment.

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Business Turnover Index - May 2024
Indicator Note Annual variation in the original series Annual variation in the corrected series
General index 1.2 1.3
Extractive and manufacturing industries -1.4 -0.5
Electricity and water supply, sewerage and waste management -11.4 -12.1
Trade 2.5 2.7
Market non-financial services 6.0 6.5
  • Seasonally and calendar adjusted series
Latest data
May 2024 Published: 22/07/2024
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Did you know...?

The Business Turnover Index (BTI) is a synthesis statistical operation which allows obtaining a short-term indicator that measures the short-term evolution of turnover, as a whole, for non-financial economic sectors: Extractive and manufacturing industries, Electrical energy and water, Trade and Non-financial services.

In order to obtain this indicator, the information from three surveys carried out by INE will be used. These surveys are the following: Industrial Turnover Indices (ITI), Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) and Retail Trade Indices (RTI). For the rest of sectors not researched by INE, the information will be completed with data provided by the Tax Agency.