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Quarter 3/2024 Published: 20/12/2024
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Year 2023 Published: 27/06/2024
  • What is this query system?
    • This system allows the composition of tables with crosses of variables that are not covered by the standard tables, and without having to use microdata files, which are those that provide more detailed information.

      Due to the large number of classification variables with respect to the sample size, for very detailed crossing, information is not available. It is recommended to cross only two or three variables and select the category Total for the rest of them. Before presenting the table, the percentage of cells which data are not available due to lack of backup sample is indicated. If this percentage is over 50% the table is not displayed.

      To make the display more user-friendly, it is recommended to change the presentation of the table and keep in the columns the classification variables for which the only selected category is the Total.

Latest data
Quarter 3/2024 Published: 20/12/2024

The INE is not responsible for the results that the recipients of the data obtain from these files based on their own calculations. In addition, recipients undertake to cite, in any publication derived therefrom, the INE as the primary data source (source: INE,, as well as the fact that the degree of accuracy or reliability of the information derived from the authors' own calculations is the sole responsibility of the authors themselves.

    • Desde esta página se pueden descargar los ficheros de microdatos de viajes. También están a disposición de los usuarios los ficheros de personas, excursiones y etapas, que se facilitarán gratuitamente bajo condiciones especiales en el Área de Atención a Usuarios. Si lo desea puede ponerse en contacto con esta Área a través del formulario de consulta infoINE.