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Survey on the labour market insertion of university graduates. Year 2019 29 October 2020

The employment rate in 2019 for university graduates in the 2013-2014 academic year was 86.1%. The rate for Masters graduates was 87.3%.

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Activity, employment and unemployment rate of university graduates by area of knowledge - Year 2019
Indicator Note University graduates: Activity rate College Graduates: Employment Rate University graduates: Unemployment rate Master's degrees: Activity rate Master's degrees: Employment rate Master's degrees: Unemployment rate
Total 93.6 86.1 8.0 94.2 87.3 7.3
Health sciences 96.0 91.5 4.7 95.8 88.4 7.8
Engineering and architecture 96.7 92.4 4.4 96.9 92.4 4.6
Social and Legal Sciences 92.5 83.6 9.6 94.2 88.3 6.3
Sciences 93.4 83.9 10.2 93.4 80.9 13.4
Arts and humanities; 88.2 76.3 13.4 88.9 78.4 11.8
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Year 2019 Published: 29/10/2020
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Did you know...?

The objective of the Labour Market of University Graduates Insertion Survey is to provide information on the employment situation of university graduates (including first and second cycle graduates) and graduates with a University Master's Degree, as well as the various aspects of their labour insertion process, that is, access to the labour market.

This is the second labour insertion survey of university graduates that the INE has carried out (the first was carried out in 2014). The sample was approximately 32,000 university graduates (undergraduate degrees) and 12,000 Master's degrees. The data was weighted to be representative at the national level by degrees, at the regional level by the CNED at two digits, and at the type of university by branches of knowledge.

Tables of the main variables investigated were disseminated (activity, employment and unemployment rates; professional situation, occupation, adequate educational level,... for the first job and the current job, other training carried out, and national and international mobility) classified by sociodemographic characteristics (sex and age group), educational variables (degree, branches of knowledge and type of university), autonomous community of study and country (or continent) of residence.