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Fertility Survey. Year 2018 9 April 2019

79.2% of women aged between 25 to 29 years old have not had children yet. Balance measures between family and working hours are the most valuable by working mothers.

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Fertility of the population between 18 and 55 years - Year 2018
Indicator Note Absolute value Relative value
Women under 30 years who have had children 330,637 11.9
Women who want to have children 10,463,612 87.7
Women who have had fewer children than desired 2,519,315 21.0
Women who have undergone assisted reproduction treatment 639,922 5.4
Men under 30 years who have had children 140,161 4.9
Men who wish to have children 10,111,138 84.0
  • Absolute value: people; Relative value: % of the population tota.l
    Both ages included.
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Year 2018 Published: 09/04/2019
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Did you know...?

The Fertility Survey for 2018 continues the series of surveys of this type conducted in 1977, 1985 and 1999. The research has been addressed to the group of people from 18 to 55 years old, both ages included, who reside in main family dwellings throughout the national territory, with the objective of identifying the determining factors of current, recent and expected fertility for the future, the constraints on the decision to have children or not to have them and the reasons that lead to the delayed maternity and paternity. The information was collected over 15 weeks, from 12 March to 25 June 2018.

For the first time, the survey investigates men, in order to know their family and reproductive behaviour and thus have a gender perspective given that their work and family trajectories and their reproductive aspirations also have a direct impact on fertility.

Two independent samples have been selected, one of men and a larger one of women. In both cases, independent samples have been selected in each Autonomous Community. National and Autonomous Community results are provided for women and national results for men.